16 Why do you bother her? Mark 14:1-11

16 Why do you bother her? Mark 14:1-11

What’s the most expensive thing you own? Maybe it’s not the most expensive in terms of dollars, but maybe it’s something that’s impossible to replace? What would it take to make you part with it? That kind of costly, self-sacrificing love is at the theme of this question.

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15 Whose likeness is on this coin? Mark 11:27-12:17

15 Whose likeness is on this coin? Mark 11:27-12:17

As we’ve seen, Jesus asks questions designed to help people understand themselves and God in a new way. The question “whose likeness is on this coin” often prompts a lecture on paying taxes and financial stewardship. But this passage is more about image and authority than money.

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12 What did Moses command? Mark 10:2-12

12 What did Moses command? Mark 10:2-12

The questions we’ll look at in the rest of our series will differ from the previous questions. These questions cover a wider range of topics and the questions focus more on what Jesus came to do and by extension what does it mean to follow him, rather than on who he is. The passage concerns divorce and marriage, and the question that Jesus asks is, “What did Moses command?”

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11 Who do you say that I am? Mark 8:27-38

11 Who do you say that I am? Mark 8:27-38

This question is the turning point of the story. So far in Mark’s gospel, the primary focus of Jesus’ teaching revealing his authority as the Son of Man and the Servant of God. Having established his identity, Jesus now prepares his disciples for what he came to do.

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