In the year Ezekiel should have started his priestly duties, he was in exile in Babylon. Instead the Lord gave him a vision. What exactly did Ezekiel see?
01 Introduction to the Prophets
3 reasons why we don’t study the prophets: they’re weird, confusing and they all sound alike. Here’s why it is important to study the prophets.
Who was Matthew?
Matthew, also called Levi, was one of the 12 Apostles of Jesus Christ and the author of the gospel that bears his name. He was a tax collector before following Jesus.
10 Holy Spirit: Baptism
While this topic is controversial, I think Scripture teaches that the baptism of the Holy Spirit has both an individual application (as applied to the apostles) and a universal application (as applied to all believers).
Psalms of Praise: Their form
75% of Psalms are 1 of three main types: lament, thanksgiving or praise. Here is the general form for praise psalms.
Psalms of Lament: Their form
75% of Psalms are 1 of three main types: lament, thanksgiving or praise. Here is the general form for lament psalms.
Psalms of Thanksgiving: Their form
75% of Psalms are 1 of three main types: lament, thanksgiving or praise. Here is the general form for Thanksgiving psalms.
09 Holy Spirit Unity: Romans 15:1-13
As Paul deals with the issue of the “weaker” brother, he makes an important point about unity and the power of the Holy Spirit at work in all believers. Unity is not something that can be imposed from the outside or the top down. Unity is a work of the Holy Spirit bringing individuals together through their shared faith.
John’s use of the Old Testament
The Apostle John’s use of the Old Testament in his gospel and his letters.
James’ use of the Old Testament
The New Testament is our divinely inspired commentary on the Old Testament. When studying a passage, it’s often helpful to see how other biblical authors understood it. Here is James’ use of the Old Testament in his letter.
08 Holy Spirit Pledge and Seal: Romans 5:1-5
As a new believer, I thought the Holy Spirit was like the “force” in Star Wars: something I had to access to find success. Paul has a different view in this passage. The Holy Spirit is the active love of God intervening to make us people who will persevere in faith.
Mark’s use of the Old Testament
The New Testament is our divinely inspired commentary on the Old Testament. When studying a passage, it’s often helpful to see how other biblical authors understood it. Here is Mark’s use of the Old Testament in his gospel.