The New Testament is our divinely inspired commentary on the Old Testament. When studying a passage, it’s often helpful to see how other biblical authors understood it. Here are Matthew’s quotations and allusions to the Old Testament in his gospel.
07 Holy Spirit Pledge and Seal: Ephesians 1:13-23
Paul describes believers as sealed with the Holy Spirit. A seal fulfills a past promise and pledges a future inheritance. A King’s seal had a three-fold purpose: 1) to guarantee authenticity, 2) to name the rightful owner, and 3) to protect from being tampered with or harmed.
06 Holy Spirit in the Old Testament: A New Heart
Both the Old and New Testaments speak about the need for God to spiritually renew us and change our hearts. Both associate this spiritual renewal with the Spirit of God. But there is only one really clear Old Testament passage on this topic.
05 Holy Spirit in the Old Testament: Prophets
Most of the Old Testament references to the Holy Spirit involve his work empowering the leaders of Israel to protect the nation. But a second way we see the Spirit of God working in the Old Testament is giving revelation to the prophets.
04 Holy Spirit in the Old Testament: Judges & Kings
One of the main themes in the Old Testament regarding the Holy Spirit is that God empowers Israel’s leaders through His Spirit to bless the nation and keep His covenant promises.
03 Holy Spirit: Revelation vs.understanding
In 1Corinthians 2, we learn two more important works of the Spirit: 1) The Spirit reveals the thoughts of God to His chosen messengers. This is revelation. 2) The Spirit gives understanding to all believers so that we embrace the claims of the gospel.
02 Holy Spirit: Universal vs Individual
1Corinthians 12 teaches an important distinction between the type of work the Holy Spirit does. The “universal” work of the Holy Spirit is a work that he does for all believers to bring about the inner transformation of faith. The “individual” works of the Holy Spirit are works he does in some believers but not others.
01 Holy Spirit: Agent of Change
In John 3:1-8, we learn two themes that we will see repeatedly in this series: 1) The Holy Spirit is God’s agent of change, and 2) one of his most crucial works is the inner transformation of believers.
18 Why have you forsaken me? Mark 15:22-41
On the cross Jesus asked, Why have you forsaken me? The contrast between the trial before the Sanhedrin and the denial of Peter illustrate the answer.
17 Couldn’t you stay awake? Mark 14:27-42
Probably one of the most difficult questions Christians are asked is: If God is sovereign, why bother to pray? Why pray, since it won’t change anything? This question gives a really good start on understanding it.
16 Why do you bother her? Mark 14:1-11
What’s the most expensive thing you own? Maybe it’s not the most expensive in terms of dollars, but maybe it’s something that’s impossible to replace? What would it take to make you part with it? That kind of costly, self-sacrificing love is at the theme of this question.
15 Whose likeness is on this coin? Mark 11:27-12:17
As we’ve seen, Jesus asks questions designed to help people understand themselves and God in a new way. The question “whose likeness is on this coin” often prompts a lecture on paying taxes and financial stewardship. But this passage is more about image and authority than money.