01 Podcasts
06 Who touched me? Mark 5:21-34

06 Who touched me? Mark 5:21-34

This question is addressed to the woman whose period didn’t end for 12 years. She was ritually unclean, isolated, sick and living a life that was going from bad to worse with no hope on the horizon. She touched Jesus in hopes of being healed physically, but Jesus stopped and offered her spiritual healing and a place in the community of believers.

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04 Why are you so afraid? Mark 4:35-41

04 Why are you so afraid? Mark 4:35-41

Perhaps the most difficult question that skeptics ask is the question of suffering. How can God be all-powerful and all-loving and allow His people to live in tragedy and anguish? The disciples ask “Don’t you care if we drown?” Jesus responds reveals the problem of suffering is ultimately a problem of faith.

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03 Good or evil, life or death? Mark 2:23-3:6

03 Good or evil, life or death? Mark 2:23-3:6

Mark 2:23-3:6 contains two stories back-to-back about the sanctity of the Sabbath. In the first story, the Pharisees accuse the disciples of Jesus of breaking the Sabbath. In the second story, Jesus turns the tables on the Pharisees and accuses them of being the real Sabbath breakers.

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02 What’s easiest to say? Mark 2:1-12

02 What’s easiest to say? Mark 2:1-12

This passage contains two questions addressed to the Pharisees when the paralyzed man was lowered through his roof. Jesus challenges them, asking whether they serve a Lord who forgives and delights in forgiveness or one who withholds forgiveness? Passage 2:1And when...

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The Great Banquet Parable, Luke 14:7-24

The Great Banquet Parable, Luke 14:7-24

In Luke 14, Jesus gives a series of parables in rapid secession. They are all set at a banquet. These parables aren’t as famous as some of the other parables Jesus tells. They are relatively straightforward so they tend to get overshadowed by other parables like the prodigal son. But I think they are very profound.

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