New Testament
2 Peter: How to find life

2 Peter: How to find life

Simon Peter served as an apostle of Jesus Christ for 3 or 4 decades.  As his earthly life drew to a close, Peter wrote his second letter to encourage and admonish the churches. What truths did he think were so important that he had to make sure he wrote them down before he died? Peter strongly emphasizes our future hope and the return of Christ.  Our future hope is more than living forever: it concerns being freed from sin and death and sharing the holiness of God.

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Philemon: How to be a Hero

Philemon: How to be a Hero

While philosophers often use this letter to talk about the evils of slavery and sometimes condemn Paul for not taking a strong stance against it, I think this letter has much more to say to us as individual believers about how we should live our daily lives.

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Philippians: Choose Life

Philippians: Choose Life

Paul’s letter to the Philippians is filled expressions of praise, joy and confidence, despite the fact that Paul wrote the letter while he was in prison. The Philippian church, unlike many other churches Paul wrote to, was not facing any particular problem or controversy. Instead their challenges were the kind that plague many churches today. We can learn from Paul how to rejoice and persevere in the mundane, ordinary difficulties of life.

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1 Peter: Living as aliens and strangers

1 Peter: Living as aliens and strangers

Peter wrote his first letter give his readers perspective on the big picture. The gospel (the big picture) has implications for each of those relationships and that is what this letter is about: how we respond to God and view ourselves in this world; how we respond to other believers who are walking this journey with us and how we respond to those who persecute and hate us.

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