Have you decided to read through the Bible as one of your New Year’s Resolutions? Here’s a great selection of updated plans to help you keep that resolution.
Merry Christmas
Wishing you an “exceptionally good Christmas” and the true joy of the season that only the peace of God in hearts can bring.
Why Jesus Came
The angel tells Joseph something about this son Mary will have. Who does the angel say this child is?
How to have a “Mary” Christmas
This December you can have a Mary Christmas or a Martha Christmas. In a Martha Christmas you are so frantic doing good things that you miss the best gift of all. In a Mary Christmas you recognize what is truly important and find the best gift of all.
Take the Bite out of Gift Giving
How can anything that fits under a Christmas tree transform the recipient’s life from misery to joy?
Happy Thanksgiving!
I’m grateful for your involvement with Wednesday in the Word.
Barnabas: The High Calling of Playing Second Fiddle
Barnabas is an great example of the incredible good you can do when you don’t care who gets credit.
Miriam: How to handle resentment
How do you handle it when life isn’t fair? It’s easy to grow frustrated with our own lot in life and resent those who seem to have it better. Consider the story of Miriam.
7 Habits of Failed Leaders
Failed CEOs shared these 7 habits. What about leaders in the church?
What is All Saint’s Day?
What is All Saint’s Day? All Saints’ Day is a time to celebrate heroes of the faith from scripture, as well as prominent figures in the early church.
New Testament Jewish culture
The New Testament authors assume their readers are familiar with the Jewish culture in their day. Here are some of the basics
Introduction to the Jewish Feasts
In Exodus, God tells the Israelites to keep the Feasts twice: once before the episode with the golden calf and once after. Here’s a summary of the 7 feasts.