Temptations of Jesus: Dealing with doubt & despair

by | Apr 14, 2014 | 03 Series, Favorites, New Testament

There is an enduring caricature that the successful Christian life is always happy: that if we diligently follow Jesus, then we will have a stellar career, a happy marriage with 2.5 perfect children and everything we need when we need it.  Eventually we learn that caricature is a myth, and understand why Scripture describes the Christian life with terms like waiting, suffering and trials.

This series examines the Temptations of Jesus with the goal of learning how to face waiting and affliction with hope, trust and endurance.

Resources: Gospel of Matthew

Genre: Understanding Gospels

10 Matthew 4:1-4 1st Temptation: Stones to bread

The audio link below is a shorter talk called “When God says no” by Krisan Marotta recorded before a live audience on January 11, 2009.

11 Matthew 4:5-7 2nd Temptation: Jump from the pinnacle

The audio link below is a shorter talk called “When God seems Distant” by Krisan Marotta recorded before a live audience on January 18, 2009.

12 Matthew 4:8-11 3rd Temptation: Bow down

The audio link below is a shorter talk called “When Life is Hard” by Krisan Marotta recorded before a live audience on January 25, 2009

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