Sometimes it’s helpful to know the approximate distance between the New Testament cities. For example, consider the Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37), from a Bible Atlas you can learn that the road between Jericho and Jerusalem is a 17-mile trek through the desert. Only the poor walked it. Everyone else rode – particularly the upper-class and priests were members of the upper class. Jesus’ audience would assume the priest is riding a donkey or a mule.
Above Map from Bible-History Online
Approximate distance from Jerusalem to:
Bethany 1.5 miles
Bethlehem 6 miles
Caesarea 70 miles
Capernaum 85 miles
Dead Sea 14 miles
Dothan 54 miles
Emmaus 7 miles
Gaza 50 miles
Hebron 17 miles
Jericho (NT) 17 miles
Jordan River 21 miles
Joppa 40 miles
Mediterranean Sea 33 miles
Nazareth 65 miles
Samaria 42 miles
Sea of Galilee 70 miles
Shechem 40 miles
Shiloh 20 miles
Outside of Israel
Antioch 300 miles
Corinth 800 miles
Egypt 100 miles
Ephesus 600 miles
Rome1400 miles