Guest Teacher: Ken Elzinga

by | Aug 10, 2016 | 03 Series

Professor Elzinga has graciously given me permission to republish his talks and sermons here on Wednesday in the Word.

Why Bother with Jesus when I’ve got it made?

Talk given the University of Virginia hosted by Agape Christian Fellowship, October 13, 2005.

Mission Accomplished

What it means to be a missionary and to do missions. Sermon given at Trinity Presbyterian Church February 07, 1999 (EC-20160817-KE)

Heaven and those who have gone before us

Sermon given at Trinity Presbyterian Church July 18, 2004

Mission Possible

Sermon give at Trinity Presbyterian Church February 20, 2005 (EC-20160831-KE)

Bible Arithmetic: What is Tithing?

Sermon given at Trinity Presbyterian Church September 22, 2002

Four Keys to Success in College

Given to high school seniors in July 2003

Being Open About My Faith Without Turning People Off

Article for InterVarsity’s Emerging Scholars Network Day Ahead at Following Christ 2008

50,000 Students and Counting: 54 Years of Teaching at UVA

Talks hosted by the Center for Christian Study

Ken Elzinga welcomes UVa Students 9/4/2020

Ken Elzinga welcomes UVa parents 9/4/2020

Cheerful Economics and Spiritual Capital 09/04/2013

Move-In Day Lunch 09/23/2008

Tithing as an Investment 04/17/2007

Talks hosted by Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship at UVa

  • The Gospel in a nutshell 09/14/21
  • What it means to Deny Jesus 09/19/2018
  • One thing UVA will not teach you 09/13/2016
  • Top 10 Questions in the Bible 09/14/2015
  • Is Elzinga a Sinner? 09/19/2011
  • What is Success? 09/21/2009

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