February 2019 Recap

by | Feb 28, 2019 | News, Reflections

Your response to my request to break 100,000 downloads has been overwhelming (103,493 downloads and counting)!  If this rate continues, we’ll average over 3000 listeners per month!  That’s the equivalent of offering the in-person study 3 times every day.   I am grateful and I hope you are enjoying the 11-week series on 1 John we started in February.


  • Final talk in series: 14 2 Peter 3:10-18 The Second coming and what it means for today  Peter concludes the letter by discussing the end of the age, the return of Christ and what that tells us about how we should live now.
  • 01 1 John 1:1-4: The Word of Life In his preface, John argues the apostles are the only reliable source of information about the way to gain eternal life because they were intimate eye-witnesses to the life, ministry and teaching of Jesus.
  • 02 1 John 1:5-10: God is Light John begins his summary of the true gospel by saying God is completely good (light). Therefore genuine believers: 1) will not pursue sin as a lifestyle; 2) will not deny their sinfulness; and 3) will not call sinful actions right.
  • 03 1 John 2:1-11: Abide in Christ  How should we handle theological disagreements among believers?  What issues are so critically important that we should draw a line?  And, on what issues should we agree to disagree?  John gives us a place to draw the line.

Resources (new or updated)

  • NEW: Early Church Heresies While not a complete list of early church heresies, these groups are the ones that the New Testament authors seem to write against and respond to most often.
  • NEW: 1&2 Timothy Bible Study Resources Study questions, maps, charts, key words, history, background, outlines, and links to help you study Paul’s letter’s to Timothy.

Discussion Topics

  • What is Lent? About this time of year, many start asking “What is Lent?  Is it an official Christian holiday?  Was it instituted in the Bible?  What — if anything — is required of believers during Lent?”
  • Women’s Retreat Survival Kit A conference I attended gave each participant this simple and heartwarming “Conference Survival kit.”  The kit was a small ziploc bag that contained the following items and attached card with this explanation:
  • 45+ Sample Ice Breakers Tired of the same old icebreakers?  Here are 45 sample icebreakers to kick start your thinking.

3 Favors

If you’ve been blessed by the WitW podcast, I have 3 favors to ask:

If you can only do one, telling a friend is best.  Thanks for listening!

Next: March 2019

Previous: January 2019

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash