06 Fruit of the Spirit: Patience

by | Apr 10, 2024 | 01 Podcasts, Galatians

Patience as a fruit of the Spirit results from belief. We are longsuffering because we fix our hope on the promises of the gospel.

Key Points

  • Patience as a fruit of the Spirit is not waiting without complaint. It’s enduring because of what we believe. It’s best translated by the old-fashioned word, longsuffering.
  • Scripture talks about longsuffering in two main contexts: 1) enduring personal hardship; and 2) dealing with other people.
  • Abraham is an example of someone who patiently waited for the God to fulfill His promises (Hebrews 6:13-15).
  • James uses the analogy of farmers who work now because they trust in the future harvest (James 5:7-11).
  • Patience as a fruit of the Spirit is not passive endurance. It longsuffering, based on fixing our eyes on the hope of the gospel.
  • Greek Word: Strong’s G3115.
  • Passages: Matthew 13:20-21; Hebrews 6:13-15; James 5:7-11; Colossians 1:11; 1Thessalonians 5:14-15.


Again we see this picture of the fruit of the Spirit as not being feelings but a perspective change. As the Spirit of God changes our perspective these qualities emerge. These qualities emerge not as a mask we wear to fit in at church on Sunday mornings. They emerge as a natural result of the fact that our eyes are fixed on the hope of the gospel.

Today we face choices like: How will I treat my spouse? How do I speak to my boss? Will I have a good attitude at work? Will I overlook that sarcastic comment that hurt my feelings? Do I join the office gossip and laugh at a coworker? Do I lie on my tax forms? Do I cut ahead of someone in line? All those choices, big or little, confront us with the reality of the gospel.

The legalists, like the Judaizers, have dodged the bigger issue. They live life with a faulty view of themselves and God. Ultimately that leads to works of the flesh. Understanding the gospel changes our worldview. That new worldview becomes the foundation for the fruit of the Spirit.

Longsuffering is built something substantial that will survive the storms, because it’s built on the promises of the gospel.

Please listen to the podcast for more detail and explanation.

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Photo by Bill Williams on Unsplash

Season 24, episode 06