05 Fruit of the Spirit: Peace

by | Apr 3, 2024 | 01 Podcasts, Galatians

Fruit of the Spirit – Peace: We typically think of peace as fruit of the Spirit as “peace of mind.” But most often Scripture speaks of peace as unity among believers.

Key Points

  • Peace can refer to peace with God (Romans 5:1). We have been reconciled to God because of the cross. Therefore we are no longer under His wrath, and we have peace with Him.
  • Peace can refer a trouble-free life. In the kingdom of heaven, we will be free from troubles, tears and enemies and will be at peace.
  • Peace can refer to peace of mind. We can remain calm in the midst of trouble because we stand firmly on the promises of the gospel.
  • Peace can refer to a unity or lack of strife among believers. As we recognize our equality under God and learn to trust Him more, we can be patient and forbearing with each other.
  • Peace among believers is a theme in Galatians 5
  • Greek Word: Strong’s G1515.
  • Passages: Romans 5:1; John 16:32-33; Philippians 4:2-7; Ephesians 4:1-6.


There are two really good contenders for what Paul means by peace. One is the peace of mind or the confidence we have as we stand firm in our faith. We can face trials with peace as opposed to anxiety, because we firmly believe the promises of God.

The second good option is peace in the community of believers. As the Spirit removes our self-centered glasses and teaches us that we believers are equal before God, we learn to be forgiving, forbearing, and to wait on God to set everything right. As we let go of our self-centered ways and we stand united on the promises of the gospel. We become more slow to anger and less prone to strife.

Neither of these options is a feeling that the Spirit pours out on us. Rather, they are both a change in perspective that grows out of our understanding of truth. 

Please listen to the podcast for more detail and explanation.

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Photo by Bill Williams on Unsplash

Season 24, episode 05