What are Life & Death in the New Testament?

by | Jun 20, 2018 | 01 Podcasts, What is the Gospel

What are life and death? Part 1 in a 4-week Bible study on “What is the Gospel?” from the podcast Wednesday in the Word with Krisan Marotta

Understanding the gospel means we must understand the problem that the gospel solves.  While the word gospel means “good news,” understanding the gospel begins with bad news: death.

For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. – Romans 6:23 NASB

What is death?

  • Our modern concept of death is the end of biological viability.
  • The New Testament concept of death is the process of physical decay that brings about the end of life.
  • Death includes both physical and moral “entropy”.
  • We are governed by death because of our rebellion to God.
  • Death is the inevitable consequence of sin.
  • We are unable to escape this rule of death by ourselves.
  • Sin inevitably leads to death.

What is life?

  • Life is the opposite of death.  It is an existence free from the power, presence and consequences of death.
  • “Eternal life” is life in the age of ages which will be an existence free from death.
  • Holiness is having a character ruled by life.
  • Holiness is the goal of salvation.
  • God is the sole source of life because He alone is Holy and can give holiness.
  • Holiness inevitably leads to life.

The problem is how do we escape death and gain life.

Please listen to the podcast for more detail and explanation.

Small Group Discussion Questions

  1. What are your thoughts on the concept of life and death as presented in this podcast? How does it differ from or align with your current understanding?
  2. Share any personal experiences that reflect this idea of moral entropy in human relationships?
  3. Do you agree with the statement “God loves you despite who you are”? Why or why not?
  4. Can you provide examples from real-life situations where sin led to a form of ‘death’?
  5. Reflect on instances where otherwise positive actions have been laced with sin and death due to selfish motivations.
  6. Share your thoughts about eternal life in heaven.
  7. Discuss both meanings of righteousness – justification and holiness – as explained in the podcast.
  8. Do you perceive holiness as an intrinsic longing or reward rather than an imposed requirement?
  9. What is salvation? Is it merely escaping hell or something more significant?
  10. How would the hope of a life ruled holiness change our daily lives right now?

Next: 02 What is justification and why do I need it?

Series: What is the Gospel?

Photo by Julia Caesar on Unsplash

Podcast season 12, episode 1