What is justification? Part 2 in a 4-week Bible study on “What is the Gospel?” from the podcast Wednesday in the Word with Krisan Marotta
- Death is the phenomena of human existence where everything physical & spiritual breaks down. It’s the process of decay and corruption. Life is the opposite of death; tendency toward good in all of human existence
- Life automatically and inevitably flows from holiness. Death automatically and inevitably flows from sin.
- God is the sole source of life, because He alone can give holiness.
- When we cut ourselves off from God (the source of Life), we inevitably experience death.
The Problem: Rebellion
In the photos below, my right hand represents God and my left hand (wearing the watch) represents mankind.

- Before the fall we are fellowship with God and God is granting us Life (as we defined it).
- We are metaphorically face to face with God.

- When we rebel, it is as if we turn our backs on God.
- The first consequence of our rebellion is we now experience death.

- The second consequence to our rebellion is God’s wrath.
- The rebellion is wrong and deserves punishment.
- Our crime incurs a judicial penalty that must be paid.
- Until God’s justice is satisfied, He will not grant Life.
Romans 1
In Romans 1:18-32, Paul makes these 3 claims: 1) mankind rebelled; 2) the consequence of that rebellion is death (as we defined it) and 3) God responds to that rebellion by abandoning mankind to the custody of death.
- We rebelled (Romans 1:21; Romans 1:22-23; Romans 1:25).
- Therefore we experience death (Romans 1:21-22; Romans 1:24; Romans 1:27).
- and God abandons us to death (Romans 1:24; Romans 1:26; Romans 1:28).
What is Justification?

- Justification is the forgiveness of our debt to justice which qualifies us to receive Life.
- To be justified is to be in a position where God’s justice is satisfied.
- None of us can justify ourselves by keeping the law.
- Knowing and understanding God’s Law is not enough; we have to be the kind of people who can keep the Law (Romans 2:13-16).

- Justification is a gift from God.
- Justification is based on God’s mercy.
- Justification is made possible by the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ (Romans 3:23-26).
- God grants justification to those with saving faith.
For more detail and explanation, please listen to the podcast.
Next: What is saving faith and why is it so important?
Previous: What is life & death and why should I care?
Part of the series: What is the Gospel?
Photo by Julia Caesar on Unsplash
Podcast season 12, episode 2