Habakkuk Bible Study Resources

by | Aug 19, 2014 | 02 Library, Resources by Book

Study questions, maps, charts, outlines, and links to help you study the Old Testament book of Habakkuk.

Podcast series: Habakkuk: Faith Under Fire

Jump to: Background; ** Maps; ** Key Words; ** Encyclopedias; ** Commentaries; ** Articles; ** GotQuestions ** Next **

Habakkuk Basics

  • Habakkuk is the only Old Testament book consisting entirely of a dialogue between God and man.
  • Habakkuk and Jeremiah were God’s last prophets to Judah before the invasion by Babylon.
  • Historical Setting of Habakkuk

Habakkuk Timeline

  • 722 BC – Norther Kingdom of Israel falls to Assyria
  • 640 BC – Josiah becomes King of Judah (2 Kings 22:1-2)
  • 627 BC – Jeremiah begins his ministry
  • 626 BC – The Babylonian prince Nabopolassar re-establishes Babylon as an independent city. The Babylonians — also known as the Chaldeans — are one of the vassal states of Assyria and they are threatening rebel.
  • 612 BC – Naboppolassar forms an alliance with the Medes and embarks on a quest to gain dominance over the empire and destroy Assyria. They sack Nineveh.
  • 609 BC – The Eqyptian king decides he needs Assyria as a buffer between his kingdom and the Babyloian/Mede alliance. He heads north to help Assyria resist the rebellion, marching through Judah in the process. King Josiah decides to stop him. Josiah is killed at Megiddo.  His death is disastrous for the nation. (2 Kings 23:29-37).
  • After Josiah’s death, the people place his son Jehoahaz on the throne. But 3 months later as the Pharoah returns from his unsuccessful attempt to help the Assyrians against the Bablylonian/Mede alliance, the Pharoah deposes Jehoahaz, carts him off to Egypt and installs Jehoiakim on the throne.
  • 605 BC – Nebuchadnezzar II, now the ruler of Babylon, defeats Egypt in the battle at Carchemish. Jehoiakim swears allegiance to Babylon and the whole of Syria and Palestine fall under Babylonian control (Jeremiah 46:1-2).

Genre: Understanding Prophecy

Habakkuk Setting

  • It is during the rule of Jehoakim that Habakkuk prophesized.
  • Habbakuk’s world is in tremendous geo-political turmoil.
  • Into that setting Habakkuk seeks the Lord, asking how long will this go on? When will you rescue your people?
Southern Kingdom 931-586 BCProphetsBiblical ReferencesAssyrian & Chaldean Kings
Josiah 31 yrs
640-609 BC
Jeremiah Zephaniah2Kng 22:1-23:30;
2Chr 34:1-35:27
Ashurbanipal 668-627 BC (Assyrian)
Jehoahaz (Shallum) 3 mos 609 BCJeremiah2Kng 23:31-34;
2Chr 36:1-4;
Jer 22:1-12
Nebuchadnezzar II 605-562 BC (Chaldean)
Jehoaikim (Eliakim)
11 yrs
609-598 BC
Jeremiah Habakkuk Daniel2Kng 23:34-24:7;
2Chr 26:4-8;
Jer 22:13-23; Jer 26; Jer 36
605 BC – defeats Egypt & Assyria at Carchemish
Jehoiachin (Coniah)
3 mos
598-597 BC
Jeremiah Daniel2Kng 25:8-17;
2Chr 36:9-10; Jer 22:24-30;
Jer 52:31-34
597 BC – crushes Jehoiakim’s revolt & loots temple
Zedekiah (Mattaniah)
11 yrs
597-586 BC
Jeremiah Daniel Ezekiel2Kng 24:17-25:7; 2Chr 36:11-21; Jer 39:1-10;
Jer 52:1-11
589 BC – Zedekiah revolts; siege of Jerusalem begin
586 BCFall of Jerusalem

NOTE: There is a print-friendly version of this chart in the Habakkuk Study Guide.

Section 1: Background

Background & Outlines

Habakkuk NASB Study Text

Habakkuk ESV Study Text

Chart: Bible History at a glance

Simple overview of biblical history

Chart: Kings of Israel & Judah

Prophets Chronological List

Introduction to the Prophets

Kings of Babylon in Biblical times

Kings of Assyria in Biblical times

Kings of Persia in Biblical Times

Blue Letter Bible: Old Testament Timeline

Biblehub: The Divided Kingdom

Bible Atlas: Assyria

Bible Atlas: Babylon

Bible Atlas: Chaldea

Bible Atlas: Jerusalem

Biblehub: Habakkuk Overview

Ray C Stedman: Overview of the Book

John MacArthur: Author, Date, Background

ESV: Introduction to Minor Prophets

ESV: Introduction to Habakkuk (contains a nice map)

ESV: The Global Message of Habakkuk

NIV: Introduction to Habakkuk

Habakkuk quotes in the New Testament

James van Dine: Analysis of Habakkuk

JVernon McGee: Nahum and Habakkuk – Introduction

David Malick: An Argument of the Book of Habakkuk

Arend Remmers: The Prophet Habakkuk (Overview)

Charles Swindoll: Habakkuk Overview

Will Pounds: Habakkuk: Lord How Long? – Background Introduction

Section 2: Maps

Section 3: Key Words

Key Words in Habakkuk

LORD/God is always a key word (12x)

Why? 4x/3v – Hab 1:3; Hab 1:13; Hab 1:14;

Faith 1x in Hab 2:4

Save/Salvation 5x in Hab 1:2; Hab 3:8; Hab 3:13; Hab 3:18 (2x)

Selah (a call to pause and be silent that the soul may “listen to the divine illuming” (3x) in Hab 3:3; Hab 3:9; Hab 3:13(elsewhere only in Psalms).

wicked (3x) in Hab 1:4; Hab 1:13; proud (1x) – Hab 2:4; evil (3x) in Hab 1:13; Hab 2:9; Hab 3:13.

Section 4: Encyclopedias

Dictionaries & Encyclopedias

Baker’s Evangelical Dictionary: Habakkuk, Theology of

Holman Bible Dictionary: Habakkuk

Hastings’ Dictionary of the Bible: Habakkuk

McClintock and Strong: Habakkuk, Book of

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia: Habakkuk

Kitto’s Popular Cyclopedia of Biblical Literature: Habakkuk

Habakkuk means “He that embraces; a wrestler” – Hitchcock’s Bible Names

American Tract Society Habakkuk

Bridgeway Bible Dictionary Habakkuk

Easton’s Bible Dictionary Habakkuk

Fausset Bible Dictionary Habakkuk

1911 Encyclopedia Britannica Habakkuk

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia Prayer of Habakkuk ; Habakkuk

McClintock and Strong’s Bible Encyclopedia Habakkuk (2) ; Habakkuk

The Nuttall Encyclopedia Habakkuk

The Jewish Encyclopedia Habakkuk

Section 5: Commentaries

Commentaries & Study Bibles

Top 5 Commentaries on Habakkuk Keith Mathison – Ligonier.org

Commentary Reviews: Habakkuk

Walter Kaiser-Preacher’s Commentary (Micah through Malachi)

Biblehub Commentaries: Habakkuk

Calvin’s Commentary on the Bible: Habakkuk

Albert Barnes Notes on the Whole Bible: Habakkuk

Matthew Henry’s Complete Complete Commentary on the Bible: Habakkuk

Geneva Study Bible: Habakkuk

Reformation Study Bible Notes: Habakkuk

Precept Austin Commentaries & Sermons: Habakkuk

Section 6: Articles


A Literary Look at Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah — Richard Patterson

The Psalm of Habakkuk — Richard D. Patterson

Habakkuk — H. L. Ellison, Men Spake from God, Exeter: Paternoster Press, 1958

Interpretive Challenges Relating to Habakkuk 24b — George J. Zemek, Jr.

Prayer, Oracle And Theophany The Book Of Habakkuk – Michael E.W. Thompson

The Dead Sea Habakkuk Scroll – F F Bruce

Ugaritic Poetry And Habakkuk 3 – David Toshio Tsumura

The Laments of Habakkuk’s Prophecy – J G Harris

‘Trust in the Lord’: Hezekiah, Kings and Isaiah, John W. Olley Tyndale Bulletin 50.1 (1999): 59-77.

The Function of LXX Habakkuk 1:5 in the Book of Acts, Robert W. Wall Bulletin for Biblical Research 10.2 (2000): 247-258.

Habakkuk: Challenger and Champion of Yahweh — Nicole Ream

Hearing the Children’s Cries Commentary, Deconstruction, Ethics, and the Book of Habakkuk, R. Christopher Heard Semeia (1997) 75-89.

“The Righteous Live By Their Faith” In A Holy God Complementary Compositional Forces And Habakkuk’s Dialogue With The Lord – Ernst R. Wendland

The Translation of Romans 1:17 – A Basic Motif in Paulism – Wilber B Wallis – Habakkuk 2:4

Revival: A Solution or A Problem? The Definition of Revival in the Old Testament – Robert H. Lescelius

Shimon Bakon: Habakkuk: From Perplexity to Faith – interesting article from a Jewish perspective

Section 7: Got Questions


Book of Habakkuk – Bible Survey

Does God sometimes use evil to accomplish His plans? 

What does it mean that the righteous will live by faith?

How can we learn to trust God like the prophet Habakkuk?

What does it mean that God came from Teman?

What is the meaning of shigionoth in Habakkuk?

What does selah mean in the Bible? 

Who were the Cushites? 

Section 8: Next

Next: Zephaniah

Previous: Nahum

Series: Resources by Book

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