Holy Spirit Resources

by | Jul 14, 2020 | 02 Library, Charts OT

Resources to help you study the role and nature of the Holy Spirit.

Series: Who is the Holy Spirit?

Jump to: ** Spirit in OT; ** Spirit in NT; **Names of ** Word Use OT; ** Word Use NT; ** Encyclopedias; ** Articles; ** GotQuestions ** Next **

in OT

Spirit in the Old Testament


  • The Spirit was involved in the creative process with the creative word to bring light out of darkness, order out of chaos and life out of emptiness.
  • He is pictured like a wind hovering over the waters, waiting for the command of the Word to begin creative process.


  • Joseph’s ability to interpret dreams was recognized by pagans as a sign that God’s Spirit was with him (Genesis 41:38).
  • The story assumes that the Spirit knew the Divine plan.

Mosaic Age

Ministries and manifestations of the Spirit in establishing the kingdom include:

  • Technical ability in building the tabernacle (Exodus 28:3; Exodus 31:3; Exodus 35:31). The Tabernacle’s builders had the Spirit upon them. The Spirit disclosed the divine mind to the builders and gave them the necessary skill to build.
  • Leadership: administrative and judicial ability (Numbers 11:17; Numbers 11:25; Numbers 7:18). Moses was the one primarily gifted in this area.
  • Recipients were sovereignly chosen to fulfill a role or task. God put His Spirit upon whomever He wanted.
  • Gifting to fulfill a role/task was not permanent.

Judges – Monarchy

Ministries and manifestations of the Spirit in this age include:

  • Military prowess (e.g Judges 3:10; Judges 6:34; Judges 11:29; Judges 13:35; 1 Samuel 11:6).
  • Recipients were sovereignly chosen to fulfill a role or task. No clear connection between gift and moral character (e.g. Gideon, Jepthah & Samson).
  • Gifting to fulfill a role/task was not permanent.


  • The Spirit is the source of prophetic ability (e.g. Isaiah 20:1; Micah 3:8).
  • The Spirit is the source of revelation (e.g. Ezekiel 2:2; Ezekiel 3:12).
  • The Spirit will endow the Servant of the LORD to bring justice and righteousness on earth (Isaiah 43:1-4; Isaiah 49:1-5).
  • The Spirit will give God’s people a new heart with the ability to obey (e.g. Ezekiel 11:19-20; 36:26-27; 39:29).
  • In the age to come the Spirit will be given without measure (Joel 2:23-32).
  • The kingdom will be established by the Spirit, not by human effort (Zechariah 4:6).

in NT

Spirit in the New Testament


  • Christ is endowed with the Spirit in fulfillment of OT expectation (Matthew 3:16; Matthew 12:18).
  • The Old Testament is understood by the Spirit (Mark 22:43).
  • The Spirit in Christ is greater than diabolical spirits (Matt 12:22ff). Jesus conquers sickness, demons and death.


  • Birth of Jesus accompanied by manifestations of the Spirit (Luke 1).
  • Christ ministered in the Spirit, just as Elijah (Luke 3; Luke 4:14-18).
  • The disciples pray in the Spirit (Luke 11).
  • The Holy Spirit teaches the disciples (Luke 12:12).
  • Joel’s prophecy fulfilled at Pentecost (Acts 2).
  • Church ministered in the power of the Spirit (58x in Acts).


  • Christ endowed with the Spirit (John 1:32).
  • Mankind must be transformed by the Spirit (John 3:5ff; John 6:23).
  • Spirit will be given to the apostles and the Spirit will testify of Christ (John 14:16ff; John 15:26; John 16:13).


  • Ministry of the Spirit distinguishes the New Covenant from the Old (Romans 2:29; 2 Corinthians 3).
  • Spirit transforms all believers (1Cor 3:16; Gal 3:1; Romans 8:9; 1 Cor 6:19).
  • The Holy Spirit is a permanent gift (seal and pledge; Eph 1:13).

Manifestations and ministries include:

  • Justification and sanctification (Romans 5; Romans 8; Gal 5:18-25; 1 Cor 6:11).
  • Illumination of revelation (1Cor 2; 2 Cor 3).
  • Baptism into Christ’s body (1Cor 12:13)
  • Diversity of gifts, roles and opportunities to serve (1Cor 12; Ephesians 4; Romans 12).


Names Applied to the Holy Spirit

Names in General

  • The Spirit – e.g. Matthew 4:1; 1 John 4:13; Mark 1:10; Luke 4:1; John 1:31
  • The Holy Spirit – e.g. Matthew 1:18; Romans 8:14; 1 Corinthians 12:3
  • The Eternal Spirit – Hebrews 9:14

Names in Relation to the Father and the Son

  • The Spirit of the Lord – Luke 4:18; Isaiah 61:1
  • The Spirit of Christ – Romans 8:9
  • The Spirit of Your Father – Matthew 10:20
  • The Spirit of God – Matthew 3:16
  • Spirit of Our God – 1 Corinthians 6:11
  • Holy Spirit of God – Ephesians 4:30
  • Spirit of the Living God – 2 Corinthians 3:3
  • His Spirit – Ephesians 3:16; 1 John 4:3

Names in Relation to Believers

  • The Comforter – John 14:16
  • The Spirit of Truth – John 14:17; John 15:26; John 16:13
  • Spirit of Grace – Hebrews 10:29
  • The Spirit of Life – Romans 8:2
  • Spirit of Adoption – Romans 8:15
  • Holy Spirit of Promise – Ephesians 1:13

Word Use OT

Word Use: OT (224x/205v)

Strongs H7307; רוּחַ rûach roo’-akh
From H7306; wind; by resemblance breath, that is, a sensible (or even violent) exhalation; figuratively life, anger, unsubstantiality; by extension a region of the sky; by resemblance spirit, but only of a rational being (including its expression and functions): – air, anger, blast, breath, X cool, courage, mind, X quarter, X side, spirit ([-ual]), tempest, X vain, ([whirl-]) wind (-y).

Gen 1:2; Gen 6:3; Gen 41:8; Gen 41:38; Gen 45:27; Exo 6:9; Exo 28:3; Exo 31:3; Exo 35:21; Exo 35:31; Num 5:14; Num 5:30; Num 11:17; Num 11:25; Num 11:26; Num 11:29; Num 14:24; Num 24:2; Num 27:18; Deut 2:30; Deut 34:9; Jos 2:11; Jos 5:1; Jdg 3:10; Jdg 6:34; Jdg 9:23; Jdg 11:29; Jdg 13:25; Jdg 14:6; Jdg 14:19; Jdg 15:14; Jdg 15:19; 1Sa 1:15; 1Sa 10:6; 1Sa 10:10; 1Sa 11:6; 1Sa 16:13; 1Sa 16:14; 1Sa 16:15; 1Sa 16:16; 1Sa 16:23; 1Sa 18:10; 1Sa 19:9; 1Sa 19:20; 1Sa 19:23; 1Sa 28:8; 1Sa 30:12; 2Sa 13:39; 2Sa 23:2; 1Ki 18:12; 1Ki 21:5; 1Ki 22:21; 1Ki 22:22; 1Ki 22:23; 1Ki 22:24; 2Ki 2:9; 2Ki 2:15; 2Ki 2:16; 2Ki 19:7; 1Ch 5:26; 1Ch 12:18; 2Ch 15:1; 2Ch 18:20; 2Ch 18:21; 2Ch 18:22; 2Ch 18:23; 2Ch 20:14; 2Ch 24:20; 2Ch 36:22; Ezr 1:1; Ezr 1:5; Neh 9:20; Neh 9:30; Job 4:15; Job 6:4; Job 7:11; Job 10:12; Job 15:13; Job 17:1; Job 20:3; Job 27:3; Job 32:8; Job 32:18; Job 33:4; Job 34:14; Psa 31:5; Psa 32:2; Psa 34:18; Psa 51:10; Psa 51:11; Psa 51:12; Psa 51:17; Psa 76:12; Psa 77:3; Psa 77:6; Psa 78:8; Psa 104:30; Psa 106:33; Psa 139:7; Psa 142:3; Psa 143:4; Psa 143:7; Psa 143:10; Pro 1:23; Pro 11:13; Pro 15:4; Pro 15:13; Pro 16:2; Pro 16:18; Pro 16:19; Pro 16:32; Pro 17:22; Pro 17:27; Pro 18:14; Pro 20:27; Pro 29:11; Pro 29:23; Ecc 3:21; Ecc 7:8; Ecc 7:9; Ecc 8:8; Ecc 11:5; Ecc 12:7; Isa 4:4; Isa 11:2; Isa 19:3; Isa 19:14; Isa 26:9; Isa 28:6; Isa 29:10; Isa 29:24; Isa 30:1; Isa 31:3; Isa 32:15; Isa 34:16; Isa 37:7; Isa 38:16; Isa 40:13; Isa 42:1; Isa 42:5; Isa 44:3; Isa 48:16; Isa 54:6; Isa 57:15; Isa 57:16; Isa 59:21; Isa 61:1; Isa 61:3; Isa 63:10; Isa 63:11; Isa 63:14; Isa 65:14; Isa 66:2; Jer 51:1; Jer 51:11; Lam 1:16; Eze 1:12; Eze 1:20; Eze 1:21; Eze 2:2; Eze 3:12; Eze 3:14; Eze 3:24; Eze 8:3; Eze 10:17; Eze 11:1; Eze 11:5; Eze 11:19; Eze 11:24; Eze 13:3; Eze 18:31; Eze 21:7; Eze 36:26; Eze 36:27; Eze 37:1; Eze 37:14; Eze 39:29; Eze 43:5; Dan 2:1; Dan 2:3; Dan 4:8; Dan 4:9; Dan 4:18; Dan 5:11; Dan 5:12; Dan 5:14; Dan 5:20; Dan 6:3; Dan 7:15; Hos 4:12; Hos 5:4; Hos 9:7; Joe 2:28; Joe 2:29; Mic 3:8; Hag 1:14; Hag 2:5; Zec 4:6; Zec 6:8; Zec 7:12; Zec 12:1; Zec 12:10; Zec 13:2; Mal 2:15; Mal 2:16

Word Use NT

Word use: NT (344x/310v)

Strongs G4151 πνεῦμα pneuma pnyoo’-mah
From G4154; a current of air, that is, breath (blast) or a breeze; by analogy or figuratively a spirit, that is, (human) the rational soul, (by implication) vital principle, mental disposition, etc., or (superhuman) an angel, daemon, or (divine) God, Christ’s spirit, the Holy spirit: – ghost, life, spirit (-ual, -ually), mind. Compare G5590.

Mat 1:18; Mat 1:20; Mat 3:11; Mat 3:16; Mat 4:1; Mat 5:3; Mat 10:20; Mat 12:18; Mat 12:28; Mat 12:31; Mat 12:32; Mat 12:43; Mat 22:43; Mat 26:41; Mat 27:50; Mat 28:19; Mar 1:8; Mar 1:10; Mar 1:12; Mar 1:23; Mar 1:26; Mar 2:8; Mar 3:29; Mar 3:30; Mar 5:2; Mar 5:8; Mar 7:25; Mar 8:12; Mar 9:17; Mar 9:20; Mar 9:25; Mar 12:36; Mar 13:11; Mar 14:38; Luk 1:15; Luk 1:17; Luk 1:35; Luk 1:41; Luk 1:47; Luk 1:67; Luk 1:80; Luk 2:25; Luk 2:26; Luk 2:27; Luk 3:16; Luk 3:22; Luk 4:1; Luk 4:14; Luk 4:18; Luk 4:33; Luk 8:29; Luk 8:55; Luk 9:39; Luk 9:42; Luk 10:21; Luk 11:13; Luk 11:24; Luk 12:10; Luk 12:12; Luk 13:11; Luk 23:46; Luk 24:37; Luk 24:39; Joh 1:32; Joh 1:33; Joh 3:5; Joh 3:6; Joh 3:8; Joh 3:34; Joh 4:23; Joh 4:24; Joh 6:63; Joh 7:39; Joh 11:33; Joh 13:21; Joh 14:17; Joh 14:26; Joh 15:26; Joh 16:13; Joh 19:30; Joh 20:22; Act 1:2; Act 1:5; Act 1:8; Act 1:16; Act 2:4; Act 2:17; Act 2:18; Act 2:33; Act 2:38; Act 4:8; Act 4:25; Act 4:31; Act 5:3; Act 5:9; Act 5:32; Act 6:3; Act 6:5; Act 6:10; Act 7:51; Act 7:55; Act 7:59; Act 8:15; Act 8:17; Act 8:18; Act 8:19; Act 8:29; Act 8:39; Act 9:17; Act 9:31; Act 10:19; Act 10:38; Act 10:44; Act 10:45; Act 10:47; Act 11:12; Act 11:15; Act 11:16; Act 11:24; Act 11:28; Act 13:2; Act 13:4; Act 13:9; Act 13:52; Act 15:8; Act 15:28; Act 16:6; Act 16:7; Act 16:16; Act 16:18; Act 17:16; Act 18:25; Act 19:2; Act 19:6; Act 19:15; Act 19:16; Act 19:21; Act 20:22; Act 20:23; Act 20:28; Act 21:4; Act 21:11; Act 23:8; Act 23:9; Act 28:25; Rom 1:4; Rom 1:9; Rom 2:29; Rom 5:5; Rom 7:6; Rom 8:2; Rom 8:4; Rom 8:5; Rom 8:6; Rom 8:9; Rom 8:10; Rom 8:11; Rom 8:13; Rom 8:14; Rom 8:15; Rom 8:16; Rom 8:23; Rom 8:26; Rom 8:27; Rom 9:1; Rom 11:8; Rom 12:11; Rom 14:17; Rom 15:13; Rom 15:16; Rom 15:19; Rom 15:30; 1Co 2:4; 1Co 2:10; 1Co 2:11; 1Co 2:12; 1Co 2:13; 1Co 2:14; 1Co 3:16; 1Co 4:21; 1Co 5:3; 1Co 5:4; 1Co 5:5; 1Co 6:11; 1Co 6:17; 1Co 6:19; 1Co 7:34; 1Co 7:40; 1Co 12:3; 1Co 12:4; 1Co 12:7; 1Co 12:8; 1Co 12:9; 1Co 12:11; 1Co 12:13; 1Co 14:2; 1Co 14:12; 1Co 14:14; 1Co 14:15; 1Co 14:16; 1Co 15:45; 1Co 16:18; 2Co 1:22; 2Co 2:13; 2Co 3:3; 2Co 3:6; 2Co 3:8; 2Co 3:17; 2Co 3:18; 2Co 4:13; 2Co 5:5; 2Co 6:6; 2Co 7:1; 2Co 7:13; 2Co 11:4; 2Co 12:18; 2Co 13:14; Gal 3:2; Gal 3:3; Gal 3:5; Gal 3:14; Gal 4:6; Gal 4:29; Gal 5:5; Gal 5:16; Gal 5:17; Gal 5:18; Gal 5:22; Gal 5:25; Gal 6:1; Gal 6:8; Gal 6:18; Eph 1:13; Eph 1:17; Eph 2:2; Eph 2:18; Eph 2:22; Eph 3:5; Eph 3:16; Eph 4:3; Eph 4:4; Eph 4:23; Eph 4:30; Eph 5:18; Eph 6:17; Eph 6:18; Php 1:19; Php 1:27; Php 2:1; Php 3:3; Php 4:23; Col 1:8; Col 2:5; 1Th 1:5; 1Th 1:6; 1Th 4:8; 1Th 5:19; 1Th 5:23; 2Th 2:2; 2Th 2:13; 1Ti 3:16; 1Ti 4:1; 2Ti 1:7; 2Ti 1:14; 2Ti 4:22; Tit 3:5; Phm 1:25; Heb 2:4; Heb 3:7; Heb 4:12; Heb 6:4; Heb 9:8; Heb 9:14; Heb 10:15; Heb 10:29; Jas 2:26; Jas 4:5; 1Pe 1:2; 1Pe 1:11; 1Pe 1:12; 1Pe 3:4; 1Pe 3:18; 1Pe 4:6; 1Pe 4:14; 2Pe 1:21; 1Jn 3:24; 1Jn 4:1; 1Jn 4:2; 1Jn 4:3; 1Jn 4:6; 1Jn 4:13; 1Jn 5:6; 1Jn 5:8; Jud 1:19; Jud 1:20; Rev 1:10; Rev 2:7; Rev 2:11; Rev 2:17; Rev 2:29; Rev 3:6; Rev 3:13; Rev 3:22; Rev 4:2; Rev 14:13; Rev 17:3; Rev 18:2; Rev 19:10; Rev 21:10; Rev 22:17.


Dictionaries & Encyclopedias

Baker’s Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology: Holy Spirit

American Tract Society: Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost

Bridgeway Bible Dictionary: Holy Spirit

Easton’s Bible Dictionary: Holy Ghost

Fausset Bible Dictionary: Holy Spirit, The

Holman Bible Dictionary: Holy Spirit

Hastings’ Dictionary of the Bible: Holy Spirit

Morrish Bible Dictionary: Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia: Holy Spirit

McClintock and Strong’s Bible Encyclopedia: Holy Spirit

The Nuttall Encyclopedia

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia: Holy Spirit



Sermon by John MacArthur – “The Perfect Model of a Spirit-Empowered Life” 

Pneumatology: The Holy Spirit by Greg Herrick

Survey of Bible Doctrine: The Holy Spirit by Sid Litke

Bible.org – How did the Holy Spirit operate in the lives of OT saints?

Bible.org – How is the ministry of the Holy Spirit different in the Old and New Testaments?

The Holy Spirit in the Gospels by Bob Deffinbaugh

Putting Pentecost in Perspective (Part 1) The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament (Acts 2:1-13) by Bob Deffinbaugh

Putting Pentecost in Perspective (Part 2) The Holy Spirit in the Gospels (Acts 2:1-13) by Bob Deffinbaugh

The Holy Spirit and Hermeneutics by Daniel Wallace

The Holy Spirit and Spiritual Gifts by John Walvoord

Series: The Person of the Holy Spirit by John Walvoord

The Holy Spirit in the Hebrew Bible and Its Connections to the New Testament by Richard Averbeck

Got Questions


Who / what is the Holy Spirit?

Is the Holy Spirit God?

Is the Holy Spirit a person?

What is the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?

What is Pneumatology?

When / How do we receive the Holy Spirit?

What does the Holy Spirit do?

Are the miraculous gifts of the Spirit for today?

What is the gift of speaking in tongues? Is it for today?

How do I identify my spiritual gift?

How does God distribute spiritual gifts? Will God give me the gift I ask for?

What does it mean to walk in the Spirit?

Is being slain in the Spirit biblical?

What is the baptism of the Holy Spirit?

What is the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives today?

How can I be filled with the Spirit?

What is the difference between a talent and a spiritual gift?

What does it mean to grieve / quench the Holy Spirit?

Is speaking in tongues evidence for having the Holy Spirit?

What is the fruit of the Holy Spirit?

Is a believer supposed to be able to feel the Holy Spirit?

What is praying in the Spirit?

Will the Holy Spirit ever leave a believer?

What is the filioque clause / filioque controversy?

Is cessationism biblical?

What is continuationism? What is a continuationist?

What is the difference between the Holy Spirit and Holy Ghost?

What does it mean that the Holy Spirit is our Paraclete?

What is the Latter Rain Movement?

What is praying in tongues? Is praying in tongues a prayer language between a believer and God?

Is the Holy Spirit a “He,” “She,” or “It,” male, female, or neuter?

Why is the dove often used as a symbol for the Holy Spirit?

What are the names and titles of the Holy Spirit?

What was the role of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament?

Spiritual gifts survey – what are the different spiritual gifts the Bible mentions?

How is the Holy Spirit like a fire?

Is there a biblical spiritual gifts list?

What is the Charismatic movement?

Is there any value to a spiritual gifts test/inventory/assessment?

Should we worship the Holy Spirit?

What is glossolalia?

What is the seal of the Holy Spirit?

What are the spiritual gifts of the “word of wisdom” and the “word of knowledge”?

What was the purpose of the biblical sign gifts?

What is the spiritual gift of helps?

What is the spiritual gift of teaching?

What is the gift of encouragement?

What is the spiritual gift of interpreting tongues?

What is the spiritual gift of leadership?

What is the spiritual gift of administration?

What is the spiritual gift of mercy?

What is the spiritual gift of faith?

What is the spiritual gift of healing?

What is the spiritual gift of prophecy?

What is the spiritual gift of discerning spirits?

What is the spiritual gift of miracles?

How can I recognize the guidance of the Holy Spirit?

What is the power of the Holy Spirit?

Did Jesus speak in tongues?

Will the Holy Spirit be present during the tribulation?

What is the indwelling of the Holy Spirit?

What is the meaning of the Hebrew word ruach?

What is the difference between the manifest presence of the Holy Spirit and God’s omnipresence?

What is the eternal procession of the Holy Spirit?

What was the Pneumatomachian heresy / Macedonianism?

What is the outpouring of the Holy Spirit?

What are some of the symbols of the Holy Spirit in the Bible?

Where is the Holy Spirit?

Can you lose the Holy Spirit?

How do you know if you have the Holy Spirit?


Photo by Pierre Bamin on Unsplash