January 2021 Reflections

by | Jan 30, 2021 | News, Reflections

Teaching through a gospel has long been on my teaching “bucket list”.  I decided to tackle Matthew’s Gospel because he is famous for his use of the Old Testament and including 5 long discourses from Jesus.  My plan is to cover the first seven chapters in 2021 (38 podcasts), which will take us through the Sermon on the Mount — something else on my teaching bucket list.

Listeners have told me that their podcast feed is now limited to the last 20-30 episodes.  Remember you can find all previous podcasts on my website and you can make your own “app” to locate them quickly.

Thanks for listening and welcome new subscribers!


3 talks by Dr. Erika Moore on kingship:

Gospel of Matthew | WednesdayintheWord.com
Gospel of Matthew starts Feb 3

New Bible Study resources

Please tell your friends about the podcast — but more importantly, encourage them with something you learned.

You can now find Wednesday in the Word on Pandora.

Pandora NOTE: If you see the message “due to our licenses this podcast is currently unavailable”, ignore it and search for “Wednesday in the Word”. The podcast will come up in the search.

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Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash