Jeremiah’s Ministry Chronology

by | Aug 20, 2016 | 02 Library, Background & History, Charts OT

Jeremiah was a prophet to the southern kingdom of Judah who wrote the book of Jeremiah.  His name means “exaltation of the Lord.”   Below is a basic chronology of his 40+ year ministry, a list of his oracles by the reign of the king, and a list by event.

Jump to: by King; ** By Event **


BC 640Josiah becomes king of Judah at age 8- the last godly king2Chron 34:1.
628Josiah begins to purge Judah of idols in his 12th year2Chron 34:3.
627The Lord first speaks to Jeremiah in 13th year of Josiah.Jer 1:1.
622Book of the Law found in House of God2Chr 34:8; 2Chr 34:14
612Nineveh, the capital of Assyria, is sacked 
609King Josiah killed at Megiddo by Neco of Egypt
Jehoahaz king for 3 months
Jehoiakim made king by Pharah Neco
2Chr 35:20-25; 2Chr 36:1-3;
2Chr 36:4.
605Battle of Carchemish Nebuchadnezzar defeats Egypt & Assyria
1st deportation of Jews to Babylon – Daniel in this group
Jer 46:2; Dan 1:1-7.
604Jeremiah’s scroll read to Jehoiakim and burntJer 36.
601Jehoiakim rebels against Babylon2Ki 24:1.
5982nd deportation; Babylonian invasion takes Jerusalem, deports Ezekiel & 10,000; Zedekiah replaces Jehoiachin2Ki 24:12-17;
2Chr 36:6.
593Zedekiah summoned to BabylonJer 51:59.
588Fall of Jerusalem.
Gedaliah appointed governor of Judah.
Gedaliah assissinated by Ishael
Refuges flee to Egypt, taking Jeremiah with them
3rd deportation to Babylon
Jer 39:1-18; Jer 40:5-6; Jer 41:2; Jer 42-43; Jer 52:30.
561Jehoiachin released from prisonJer 52:31-34.
539/8Babylon falls to the Medes and Persians
Cyrus the Persian liberates the captives
Dan 5:30; Ezra 1:1-4

This chart is gratefully compiled from 2 sources: & Jeremiah by Derek Kidner

By King

By ruling King

ReignKing of JudahScripture
640-609 BCJosiahMost of Jeremiah chapters 1-6
609 BCJehoahaz (Shallum)3 months; Jeremiah 22:10-12
609-598 BCJehoiakim (Jeconiah, Coniah)Jer 7-20; Jer 25-26; Jer 35-36; Jer 46:1-12; Jer 47:1-7; Jer 49:1-39.
598-597 BCJehoiachinJer 22-23
597-586ZedekiahJer 21; Jer 24; Jer 27-34; Jer 37-44; Jer 46:13-28; Jer 50:1-46; Jer 51:1-64.


By Event

Siege of Jerusalem2Ki 25:1-2Jer 39:1-3;
Jer 52:4-5.
Lam 2:20-22; Lam 3:5-7.
Famine2Ki 25:3Jer 37:21;
Jer 52:6.
Lam 1:11 Lam 1:19; Lam 2:11-12; Lam 2:19-20; Lam 4:4-5; Lam 4:9-10; Lam 5:9-10.
Flight of army and king2Ki 25:4-7Jer 39:4-7;
Jer 52:8-11.
Lam 1:3; Lam 1:6; Lam 2:2; Lam 4:19-20.
Burning of palace, temple, city2Ki 25:8-9Jer 39:8;
Jer 52:13.
Lam 2:3-5; Lam 4:11; Lam 5:18.
Breaching of city walls2Ki 25:10Jer 33:4-5;
Jer 52:7.
Lam 2:7-9.
Exile of people2K 25:11-12Jer 28:3-4;
Jer 39:9-10.
Lam 1:1; Lam 1:4-5; Lam 1:18; Lam 2:9; Lam 2:14; Lam 3:2; Lam 3:19; Lam 4:22; Lam 5:2.
Temple looted2Ki 25:13-15Jer 51:51Lam 1:10; Lam 2:6-7.
Execution of leaders2Kings 25:18-21Jer 39:6Lam 1:15; Lam 2:2; Lam 2:20.
Vassal status of Judah2Ki 25:22-25Jer 40:9Lam 1:1; Lam 5:8-9.
Failure expected foreign help2Ki 24:7Jer 27:1-11;
Jer 37:5-10.
Lam 4:17; Lam 5:6.

Series: Questions Jeremiah Answered

Resources: Jeremiah Resources

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