As tension grows between Jesus and the Pharisees, the people respond with belief, skepticism, confusion, and awe over Jesus’ teachings. These responses are not just historical accounts, but also reflections on human nature and our complex relationship to truth.
Review—Who is Jesus? (John 7)
The thesis of John’s gospel is the only way to gain eternal life in the kingdom of heaven is to believe Jesus is the Christ. John chose certain aspects of the ministry of Jesus to highlight certain themes.
- Theme 1: The importance of testimony. Why should we believe what we haven’t seen for ourselves? We believe because of the testimony of those who saw it.
- Theme 2: The only way to receive eternal life is to believe in Jesus. What’s the point of all this testimony? That we believe in Jesus. Why is believing in Jesus so important? Because he’s the only one who can grant us eternal life.
- Theme 3: Those who believe do so because of the activity of the Spirit of God. We don’t manufacture belief. The Spirit gives it to us.
Once again, John explores the way people respond to Jesus.
Who is Jesus? His Brother’s Response John 7:1-9
- John uses the term “Jews” to refer to the leadership in Jerusalem.
- Jesus remains in Galilee because the Jewish leadership in Jerusalem seeks to arrest and execute him.
- His brothers mock him for not going to Jerusalem and publicly proclaiming himself the Messiah.
- Jesus knows when he does publicly enter Jerusalem, it will lead to his death, and it’s not time for that yet.
- He remains in behind as his family goes to the feast. Later, he slips into Jerusalem quietly.
- Jesus is not a celebrity who needs to get out more so that his fans can see him. He’s a lightning rod who attracts the hostility of the world wherever he goes.
- Today, we often don’t outwardly hate Jesus like the Pharisees. We redefine him instead, making him the kind of Messiah we want to believe in.
Who is Jesus: The Pharisees Response John 7:10-24
- The crowds are talking about Jesus, wondering if he’s a prophet or a fraud.
- Jesus’ teaching was so powerful and knowledgeable that even his enemies were reluctantly impressed.
- The Pharisees consider him a fraud because he breaks their Sabbath rules.
- Jesus insists his teaching comes straight from God.
- The Pharisees want to defend the Law by killing an innocent man.
- Jesus says their response to him shows they misunderstand the Law.
Who is Jesus? The Crowd’s Response John 7:25-29
- The crowds wonder why the authorities let Jesus keep teaching. Perhaps they know he’s the Messiah.
- The crowd is confused because they don’t expect the Messiah to come from Galilee.
- The guards sent to arrest Jesus become so interested in his teaching they neglect to arrest him.
- Jesus knows God’s plan will unfold in God’s timing and the Pharisees can’t touch him until it’s time.
- Nicodemus attempts to persuade the other Pharisees to hear Jesus out and they mock him.
Further Study: Who is the Holy Spirit?
Please listen to the podcast for more detail and explanation.
Next: 15 The Woman Caught in Adultery (John 7:53-8:11)
Previous: 13 The Bread of Life (John 6)
Series: Gospel of John: Believe and Find Life
Study: Gospel of John Bible Study Resources
Podcast season 25, episode 14