17 Before Abraham was, I Am (John 8:48-59)

by | Feb 19, 2025 | 01 Podcasts, John

In this episode of Wednesday in the Word, we examine John 8:48-59, where Jesus makes the powerful and often-debated statement, “Before Abraham was, I am.” Is Jesus directly claiming to be divine or to be the Messiah? We explore the linguistic, historical, and theological context of this passage to better understand Jesus’ identity and message.

In this week’s episode, we explore:

  • The background and context of John 8:48-59
  • The traditional interpretation of “Before Abraham was, I am” and its implications
  • Alternative understandings based on biblical language and translation
  • The significance of Abraham’s faith and how it connects to Jesus’ statement
  • Why understanding this passage matters for Bible study and faith

By listening to this episode, you’ll gain a deeper appreciation for biblical interpretation, how translation choices impact meaning, and why Jesus’ words in John 8 continue to spark important theological discussions. Whether you’re a Bible study enthusiast or just curious about Jesus’ identity, this episode will challenge and enrich your understanding.

Before Abraham was, I am (John 8:48-59)

What does Jesus mean when he says ‘before Abraham was, I am?” Traditionally seen as a declaration of divinity, context suggests Jesus intends to highlight his role as the Messiah.

Review—Before Abraham was, I am

The thesis of John’s gospel is the only way to gain eternal life in the kingdom of heaven is to believe Jesus is the Christ. John chose certain aspects of the ministry of Jesus to highlight certain themes.

  • Theme 1: The importance of testimony. Why should we believe what we haven’t seen for ourselves? We believe because of the testimony of those who saw it.
  • Theme 2: The only way to receive eternal life is to believe in Jesus. What’s the point of all this testimony? That we believe in Jesus. Why is believing in Jesus so important? Because he’s the only one who can grant us eternal life.  
  • Theme 3: Those who believe do so because of the activity of the Spirit of God. We don’t manufacture belief. The Spirit gives it to us. 
  • This passage continues the discussion from the last podcast.
  • The Jews claim God is their father because we’re children of Abraham. Jesus points to two aspects of their behavior that indicate they are like a different father. 1) They don’t believe the message; 2 )They seek to kill the messenger.
  • Unbelief and murder do not characterize God and his children, but they do characterize Satan.

Before Abraham was, I am John 8:58

This podcast deviates from our big picture study to delve into the issues surrounding John 8:58. This discussion involves a lot of interpretive detail about the original Hebrew, the Old Testament, the Greek translation of the Hebrew Old Testament, and grammar.

I have no hidden agenda. I am not interested in undermining the divinity of Jesus or refuting the orthodox view of the Trinity. My goal (as always) is to understand the verse in context. In this context, it seems more likely that Jesus intends to highlight his authority and importance as the Messiah, and he does not mean to suggest one way or the other whether he existed before Abraham.


  • The Pharisees believed in bodily resurrection that after they died. The Sadduccees did not believe in a physical bodily resurrection.
  • In theory, the Pharisees would agree with Jesus that a resurrection of the dead is coming, but they don’t recognize that Jesus is talking about resurrection here.
  • Compare with John 11:25-26.
  • They complain: Abraham was the most important person in our history. But even Abraham never made such an outrageous claim. Neither Abraham nor the prophets claimed you wouldn’t die if you listened to them.
  • In response, Jesus again claims his testimony is true, but he’s not the only one making the claim. God also testifies that Jesus is who he claims to be.

John 8:56  “Your father Abraham rejoiced that he would see my day. He saw it and was glad.”

  • The day of Christ is that day ahead of us when Christ returns and raises his people, and everyone in creation recognizes he is Lord.
  • How did Abraham, who lived quite a while ago, see a day that is still in our future?
  • God promised Abraham He would bless all the nations of the earth through the descendants of Abraham.
  • God will fulfill those promises through the Messiah.
  • Abraham looked forward to that day when God would fulfill His promises. Abraham understood Jesus, the Messiah, would bring those blessings about. In that sense, he saw the day of Christ and rejoiced.
  • Abraham believed he would find eternal life through the work of the Messiah and the same is true for you.
  • The Pharisees misunderstand him and think he’s claiming that he personally talked to Abraham (John 8:57).

How does Jesus respond to the misunderstanding?

The Traditional Interpretation

  • The traditional interpretation of John 8:58 is: Jesus responds, ‘I didn’t say that I was as old as Abraham, but since you mention it, in fact, I’m older than Abraham. I existed before Abraham existed because I am God in the second person of the Trinity.’
  • This interpretation depends on the fact that Jesus quotes Exodus 3:14-15 claiming the name of God (I AM) for himself.

Exodus 3:13-15

  • Moses is tending sheep in the wilderness when God appears to him in a burning bush. God tells Moses He intends to free His people from slavery in Egypt, and He has chosen Moses to accomplish that task. 
  • Moses asks God for His name. God answers Moses twice.
  • Exodus 3:14 – God says, I am who I am, so tell them that I am sent you. In Hebrew, this is the first person singular form of the verb ‘to be’. It can be translated in the present or future.
  • In Exodus 3:12 this same verb form is translated “I will be” with you.
  • While this phrase is debated, there are 3 main options:
    • I am who I am OR I will be who I will be (present or future)
    • I cause to be what I cause to be (causative)
    • I am He who is (statement of existence)
  • Exodus 3:15 gives the name YHWH (which is rendered LORD in all capital letters in some Bibles). YHWH is also a form of the verb to be. It is also translated ‘he will be’ or ‘he is’ or ‘he is the one who is.’

The Septuagint

  • The Septuagint is a Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible.
  • At the time of Jesus, this is the Bible most Jews were familiar with because many no longer spoke ancient Hebrew.
  • The Septuagint translation of Exodus 3:14 says, ‘I am the existing one.’
  • The Septuagint translation of Exodus 3:15 uses a participle: ‘the being one.’

Conclusion: The Scripture that Jesus quoted, the one the Jews were familiar with at the time Jesus spoke, does not support the idea that God was called I am.

It is possible that the original Hebrew should be understood to say ‘I am’ sent me. But that is uncertain.

It is possible Jesus quotes ‘I am’ from Exodus. But the evidence that he’s doing so is not as strong as you may have been told. Many modern conservative commentators admit the connection is weak.

The Modern View

  • Jesus ends several sentences with this phrase I am, but it is usually translated “I am he.”
  • Examples: John 8:24; John 8:28; John 13:19; John 18:5; John 18:6
  • John 8:58 could be translated: Before Abraham came to be I am he.
  • If so, Jesus would mean: From the beginning, I, Jesus, am the one the promises have been about. When Abraham was promised that through his seed blessing would come, I, Jesus, have always been the one who would bring that blessing. Before Abraham was even born, God planned that I, Jesus, would be the one who would fulfill His promises.
  • This is not a statement of how long Jesus has existed, but how long it has been God’s purpose for him to be the Messiah, the Savior of the world.

Summary—Before Abraham was, I am

Let’s evaluate how these two options fit the flow of thought in the context.

Jesus tells the Jews that Abraham looked forward to the day of Jesus, the day when Jesus conquers death for his people.

The Jews misunderstand and say: You aren’t old enough to have seen Abraham.

Jesus responds:

Traditional View: As a matter of fact, I am older than Abraham. That’s not what I said, but you’re right. I am older than Abraham. I am the great I am, God himself.

Modern view: Even before Abraham was born, it has always been God’s intent to save the world through me, Jesus, the Messiah. I am the Christ. I have always been the only way that you’re going to ultimately find life.

In my opinion, the modern view fits the context better for two reasons.

  • It takes the phrase “I am he” the way Jesus often uses it in this gospel.
  • His answer is specifically relevant to the issues they are discussing. Abraham rejoiced to see Jesus’ day, because from the beginning, Jesus has always been the one God intended to save the world through.

Why this matters?

At the beginning of every podcast I say: “this is my podcast about what the bible means and how we know.” Both aspects are critical. It’s important that we know what the bible means.  It’s equally important how we know.

Good methodology can help us settle interpretive debates.

Bible Study 101

10 Rules for Interpreting the Bible

Basics of Bible Interpretation

Please listen to the podcast for more detail and explanation.

Next: 18 Jesus heals the Man Born Blind (John 9)

Previous: 16 The Light of the World (John 8:12-47)

Series: Gospel of John: Believe and Find Life

Study: Gospel of John Bible Study Resources

Photo by Amy Tran on Unsplash

Podcast season 25, episode 17