08 Nicodemus: For God so loved the world (John 3:14-21)

by | Oct 9, 2024 | 01 Podcasts, John

08 Nicodemus: For God so loved the world (John 3:14-21)

Nicodemus approaches Jesus as a truth-seeker who acknowledges Jesus is a teacher from God. Jesus warns him four ways that’s not enough to gain eternal life.

Key Points: For God so Love the World – John 3:14-21

Jesus confronted Nicodemus with four challenges:

  1. Only those who have been transformed by the Holy Spirit receive eternal life (John 3:1-13).
  2. Jesus is the only prophet from God to come from heaven. He is in a unique position to reveal God’s plans (John 3:11-13).
  3. Eternal destiny depends on recognizing Jesus as Messiah (John 3:14-17).
  4. Unbelief itself is a sign of rebellion against God. The willingness to embrace truth and repent is a sign of belief (John 3:18-21).

Challenge 2: Jesus’ Unique Testimony

  • God revealed some of His plans to prophets like John the Baptist, Isaiah and Moses.
  • No human being has gone to heaven to bring back the truths of God.
  • Unlike other prophets, Jesus descended from heaven, bringing divine truth directly from God.
  • He alone can testify to what he knows first hand from God.

Challenge 3: Eternity is at stake

  • Your eternal destiny depends on believing Jesus is the Messiah.
  • The reference to Moses and the bronze serpent is from Numbers 21.
  • God sent serpents as judgment for the people’s rebellion. Yet He also provided a way of salvation.
  • Just as the children of Israel bitten by those serpents died until God provided a way of escape, we will die eternally unless God provides a way of escape for us.
  • Jesus is God’s provision. If we look to him the way the Israelites looked to the serpent on the pole, we will live.
  • God sent Jesus to save us, not to condemn us.

Challenge 4: Unbelief is rebellion

  • How we respond to Jesus reflects our spiritual state.
  • The very act of unbelief proves I am hostile to God. It shows I refuse to come into the light and acknowledge the truth.
  • To believe in a Savior is to admit that you need saving.


Nicodemus expresses a simple belief that Jesus is a teacher from God because he can perform signs.

Jesus counters (paraphrase): “I am not just a teacher, I am the Messiah, sent from heaven itself. I teach truth straight from heaven itself. I came to save the world from condemnation. You have a fundamental choice that you must make. Your eternal destiny depends on whether you believe that I, Jesus, am that Savior. Believing is essential because to reject me is to rebel against the truth at the most fundamental level. If you will not believe in me, then you have condemned yourself as an enemy of the truth. To believe in me is evidence of a profound work that God is doing in you. It shows your willingness to come to the light, to admit your sin, to repent, to be seen as a recipient of God’s mercy.”

Please listen to the podcast for more detail and explanation.

Next: 09 John the Baptist 2 (John 3:22-36)

Previous: 07 Nicodemus: You must be born again (John 3:1-13)

Series: Gospel of John: Believe and Find Life

Study: Gospel of John Bible Study Resources

Photo by Amy Tran on Unsplash

Podcast season 25, episode 8

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