Joshua Bible Study Resources

by | Aug 17, 2020 | 02 Library, Resources by Book

Joshua Bible Study Resources

Study questions, maps, charts, key words, history, background, outlines, and links to help you study the Old Testament book of Joshua.

“The importance of Joshua for Christians lies chiefly in that it a) shows God’s faithfulness to his covenant; b) records the development of his purpose for the nation; c) gives reasons for a failure, already foreshadowed, to carry out the divine plan; d) provides analogies for discipleship, since the spiritual issues of faith, obedience and purity were clearly at stake in the invasion (New Bible Dictionary, p. 624).”

Jump to: Background; ** Maps; ** Encyclopedias; ** Key Words; ** Commentaries; ** Articles; ** GotQuestions ** History; ** Next **

Joshua Basics

  • Setting: 1250-1240 BC
  • Purpose: To fulfill the program set out in Deuteronomy by establishing Israel in the promised land.
  • Themes: Fulfillment of the Lord’s promises about the land; YHWH as faithful; divine control over events; YHWH as holy warrior; unity of “all Israel”.

Joshua Structure

  • 1:1-13:7 – Conquest of the land
  • 12:8-22:34 – Division of the land and settlement
  • 23-24 – Covenant renewal

Joshua Content

  • Calling of Joshua (1:1-9)
  • Entry into the land (3:14-17 & 4:23-24)
  • Spiritual preparations (4-5)
  • Jericho, Sin of Achan & Ai (6-8)
  • Summaries of Conquests (10:40-43; 11:16-23)
  • Hints of future trouble (15:63; 16:10; 17:12-13)
  • Summary of division & settlement in the land (21:43-45)
  • Joshua’s exhortation (23)
  • Tribes renew the covenant (24)

Genre: Understanding Narrative

Section 1: Background

Background & Outlines

Outline of Joshua

Chart: Bible History at a glance

Blue Letter Bible: Old Testament Timeline

Jensen’s Survey of the Old Testament

What was the Canaanite religion?

Bible Atlas: Valley of Jericho

Bible Altas: Jericho

Bible Atlas: Plains of Moab (opposite Jericho)

Bible Atlas: Philistia

Ray C Stedman: Overview of the Book

John MacArthur: Author, Date, Background

Audio file: Overview of Joshua by Dale Ralph Davis

ESV Introduction to Joshua

ESV The Global Message of Joshua

NIV: Introduction to Joshua

Biblehub: Timeline of Joshua

Hebrew Calendar

Joshua-Job quotes in the NT

Section 2: Maps

Maps from Holman Bible Atlas

Ancient Near East from 1200-100 BCE

Conquest of Canaan

The Sea Peoples

Levant from 1200-1000 BCE

Conquest by Joshua

Joshua’s Central and Southern Campaigns

Joshua’s Northern Campaign

Limits of Israelite Settlement

Israel in Canaan from Joshua to Samuel to Saul

Tribal Allotments of Israel

Division of the Land Among the Tribes

Levitical Cities and Cities of Refuge (1)

The Levitical Cities (2)

More Maps

Nations of Canaan

The Tribes of Israel

Twelve tribes in Canaan Joshua to Saul 1400-1100BC

Book of Joshua OT Map at Time of Conquest (enlarged)

Joshua, Conquest of Canaan, Central & Southern Campaigns

Joshua, Conquest of Canaan, Northern Campaign

HazorJoshua 11:1

MegiddoJoshua 12:21

Jezreel, Jezreel ValleyJoshua 15:56

En GediJoshua 15:62

GibeonJoshua 18:25, 21:17

HazorJoshua 11:1, 10, 13

ESV Maps

Section 4: Key Words

Key Words in Joshua

Lord (172v); God (62v); Joshua (151v); Israel (140v).

land (84v) -Strong’s H776 in Jos 1:2; Jos 1:4; Jos 1:6; Jos 1:11; Jos 1:13; Jos 1:14; Jos 1:15; Jos 2:1; Jos 2:2; Jos 2:3; Jos 2:9; Jos 2:14; Jos 2:18; Jos 2:24; Jos 5:6; Jos 5:11; Jos 5:12; Jos 6:22; Jos 6:27; Jos 7:2; Jos 7:9; Jos 8:1; Jos 9:7; Jos 9:16; Jos 9:22; Jos 9:24; Jos 10:1; Jos 10:40; Jos 11:3; Jos 11:16; Jos 11:22; Jos 11:23; Jos 12:1; Jos 12:7; Jos 13:1; Jos 13:2; Jos 13:4; Jos 13:5; Jos 13:7; Jos 13:21; Jos 13:25; Jos 14:1; Jos 14:4; Jos 14:5; Jos 14:7; Jos 14:9; Jos 14:15; Jos 15:19; Jos 17:5; Jos 17:6; Jos 17:8; Jos 17:12; Jos 17:15; Jos 17:16; Jos 18:1; Jos 18:3; Jos 18:4; Jos 18:6; Jos 18:8; Jos 18:9; Jos 18:10; Jos 19:49; Jos 19:51; Jos 21:2; Jos 21:43; Jos 22:4; Jos 22:9; Jos 22:10; Jos 22:11; Jos 22:13; Jos 22:15; Jos 22:19; Jos 22:32; Jos 22:33; Jos 23:5; Jos 23:13; Jos 23:15; Jos 23:16; Jos 24:3; Jos 24:8; Jos 24:13; Jos 24:15; Jos 24:17; Jos 24:18.

commanded (31v) – Strong’s H6680 in Jos 1:7; Jos 1:9; Jos 1:10; Jos 1:13; Jos 1:16; Jos 3:3; Jos 4:8; Jos 4:10; Jos 4:17; Jos 6:10; Jos 7:11; Jos 8:4; Jos 8:8; Jos 8:27; Jos 8:31; Jos 8:35; Jos 9:24; Jos 10:40; Jos 11:12; Jos 11:15; Jos 11:20; Jos 13:6; Jos 14:2; Jos 14:5; Jos 17:4; Jos 18:8; Jos 21:2; Jos 21:8; Jos 22:2; Jos 22:5; Jos 23:16; command (13v; same word) – Jos 1:11; Jos 1:18; Jos 3:8; Jos 4:3; Jos 4:16; Jos 8:29; Jos 8:33; Jos 10:27; Jos 15:13; Jos 17:4; Jos 19:50; Jos 21:3; Jos 22:9.

ark of the Lord / ark of the covenant (25v) – Jos 3:3; Jos 3:6; Jos 3:8; Jos 3:11; Jos 3:13; Jos 3:14; Jos 3:15; Jos 3:17; Jos 4:5; Jos 4:7; Jos 4:9; Jos 4:10; Jos 4:11; Jos 4:16; Jos 4:18; Jos 6:4; Jos 6:6; Jos 6:7; Jos 6:8; Jos 6:9; Jos 6:11; Jos 6:12; Jos 6:13; Jos 7:6; Jos 8:33.

covenant (21v) – Strong’s H1285 in Jos 3:3; Jos 3:6; Jos 3:8; Jos 3:11; Jos 3:14; Jos 3:17; Jos 4:7; Jos 4:9; Jos 4:18; Jos 6:6; Jos 6:8; Jos 7:11; Jos 7:15; Jos 8:33; Jos 9:6; Jos 9:7; Jos 9:11; Jos 9:15; Jos 9:16; Jos 23:16; Jos 24:25.

inheritance (48v) – Strong’s H5159 in Jos 11:23; Jos 13:6; Jos 13:7; Jos 13:8; Jos 13:14; Jos 13:15; Jos 13:23; Jos 13:24; Jos 13:28; Jos 13:29; Jos 13:32; Jos 13:33; Jos 14:1; Jos 14:2; Jos 14:3; Jos 14:9; Jos 14:13; Jos 14:14; Jos 15:20; Jos 16:4; Jos 16:5; Jos 16:8; Jos 16:9; Jos 17:4; Jos 17:6; Jos 17:14; Jos 18:2; Jos 18:4; Jos 18:7; Jos 18:20; Jos 18:28; Jos 19:1; Jos 19:2; Jos 19:8; Jos 19:9; Jos 19:10; Jos 19:16; Jos 19:23; Jos 19:31; Jos 19:39; Jos 19:41; Jos 19:48; Jos 19:49; Jos 21:3; Jos 23:4; Jos 24:28; Jos 24:30; Jos 24:32.

Section 3: Encyclopedias

Dictionaries & Encyclopedias

Baker’s Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology: Joshua, Theology Of

American Tract Society: Joshua

Bridgeway Bible Dictionary: Joshua, book of

Easton’s Bible Dictionary: Joshua, Book of

Fausset Bible Dictionary: Joshua, the Book of

Holman Bible Dictionary: Joshua Book of

Hastings’ Dictionary of the Bible: Joshua

Morrish Bible Dictionary: Joshua, Book of

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia: Joshua

McClintock and Strong’s Bible Encyclopedia: Joshua, Book Of,

The Nuttall Encyclopedia: Joshua, the Book of

The Jewish Encyclopedia: Joshua, Book of

ESV Resources

Historical Books Timeline

Introduction to Joshua – see map

The Global Message of Joshua 

The Conquest of Canaan: The Northern Campaign 

The Conquest of Canaan: The Southern Campaign 

The Allotment of the Land  

Joshua 1:1–9 as a “Table of Contents”


Joshua Fact #1: The Historical Books 

Joshua Fact #2 not available on web

Joshua Fact #3: The Jordan River 

Joshua Fact #5: Jericho – see also The City of Jericho 

Joshua Fact #6: How did the people of Israel consecrate themselves  

Joshua Fact #8: Wineskins

Joshua Fact #11: Mount Hermon

Joshua Fact #12: Anakim

Joshua Fact #14: Bethlehem

Joshua Fact #13: Megiddo

Joshua Fact #15: Manslayer

Joshua Fact #16: Dividing the spoils

Joshua Fact #17: Shechem

Section 5: Commentaries

Commentaries Top 5 Commentaries: Joshua

Tim Challies Best Commentaries: Joshua

#1 choice of both Challies and Mathison = Joshua- No Falling Words – Dale Ralph Davis (and I agree)

Commentary Reviews: Joshua

The Best Old Testament Commentaries You’ve Never Heard Of – Justin Taylor

Calvin’s Commentary on the Bible: Joshua

Matthew Henry: Joshua

Albert Barnes Notes: Joshua

Reformation Study Bible Notes: Joshua

Geneva Study Bible: Joshua

Adam Clarke: Joshua

Precept Austin Commentaries & Sermons: Joshua

Section 9: History

Alfred Edersheim on Joshua

Joshua 1-2 The Charge To Joshua – Dispatch Of The Two Spies To Jericho – Rahab

Joshua 3-5-12 Miraculous Parting of the Jordan, and the Passage of the Children of Israel – Gilgal and its meaning – The First Passover on the soil of Palestine

Joshua 5:13, 6:27 The “Prince of the Host of Jehovah” appears to Joshua – The miraculous fall of Jericho before the Ark of Jehovah

Joshua 7:1-8:29 Unsuccessful Attack upon Ai – Achan’s Sin, and Judgement – Ai attacked a second time and taken

Joshua 8:30, 9:1-27 Solemn Dedication of the Land and of Israel on Mounts Ebal and Gerizim – The Deceit of the Gibeonites

Joshua 10-12 The Battle of Gibeon – Conquest of the South of Canaan – The Battle of Merom – Conquest of the North of Canaan – State of the land at the close of the seven-years’ war

Joshua 13-21 Distribution of the land – Unconquered districts – Tribes east of the Jordan – “The lot” – Tribes west of the Jordan – The inheritance of Caleb – Dissatisfaction of the sons of Joseph – The Tabernacle at Shiloh – Final division of the land

Joshua 22-24 Return of the two and a half Tribes to their Homes – Building of an Altar by them – Embassy to them – Joshua’s Farewell Addresses – Death of Joshua – Review of his Life and Work

Canaanite Religion

  • The Canaanite religion was a constant temptation to Israel.
  • It was basically a nature religion. They worshiped Gods who controlled nature (rain, sun, etc).
  • Most gods were personified natural powers. Myths and rituals were meant to keep balance between the gods and win their favor to keep nature in order.
  • It was a cosmological religion with a focus on the divine order of the cosmos and the human relationship to it.
  • There were hundreds of Canaanite gods (syncretism). Principally: El (father); Baal (god of storm, rain & fertility); Asherah, Anat, & Astarte (3 female goddesses of childbirth & fertility).

Canaanite Religious Practices

  • Fertility rites in honor of Baal and his wives (temple prostitutes both male & female)
  • System of sacrifice, altars and temples
  • Used “high places” for worship (raised outdoor altars)
  • Burning of incense before a female deity and offering baked cakes
  • Burning of incense to the storm-god, Baal
  • Worshiping the sun, moon and stars as gods
  • Strongly encouraged caring for parents in their old age

More: What was the Canaanite religion?

Section 6: Articles

Journal Articles

Eugene D. Stockton, “Fortress temple of Shechem and Joshua’s covenant,”Australian Journal of Biblical Archaeology1.1 (1968): 24-28.

Bryant G. Wood, “The Search for Joshua’s Ai,” Richard S. Hess, Gerald A. Klingbeil & Paul J. Ray Jr., Critical Issues in Early Israelite History. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2008. Hbk. ISBN: 978-1575068046. pp.205-240

David Merling, “The book of Joshua. part I: its evaluation by nonevidence,”Andrews University Seminary Studies39.1 (Spring 2001): 61-72.

David Merling, “The book of Joshua. Pt II, Expectations of archaeology,”AndrewsUniversity Seminary Studies39.2 (Autumn 2001): 209-221

John A, Beck, “Why Do Joshua’s Readers Keep Crossing the River? The Narrative-Geographical Shaping of Joshua 3-4,”Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society48.4 (Dec. 2005): 689-699

Peter C. Craigie, “The Conquest and Early Hebrew Poetry,”Tyndale Bulletin20 (1969): 76-94.

Richard S. Hess, “The Book of Joshua as a Land Grant,” Biblica 83 (2002): 493-506.

David M. Howard Jr., “‘Three days’ in Joshua 1-3: Resolving a Chronological Conundrum,”Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society41.4 (Dec. 1998): 539-550

Adrian Jeffers, “Ideal versus real history in the book of Joshua,”Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society12.3 (Summer 1969): 183-187

J.P.U. Lilley, “The Altar in Joshua and Judges,”Tyndale Bulletin5/6 (1960): 32-33

Jeffrey J. Niehaus, “Joshua and ancient Near Eastern warfare,” Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 31.1 (March 1988): 37-50

Lewis Bayles Paton, “Israel’s conquest of Canaan,”Journal of Biblical Literature32.1 (1913): 1-53.

Douglas Petrovich, “The Dating of Hazor’s Destruction in Joshua 11 by Way of Biblical, Archaeological, and Epigraphical Evidence,”Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society51.3 (Sept. 2008): 489-512.

Pekka Pitkänen, “Ethnicity, Assimilation and the Israelite Settlement,”TyndaleBulletin55.2 (2004): 161-182

Have NASA computers really proven Joshua’s ‘long day’? (Jonathan Sarfati)

Dean R. Ulrich, “Does The Bible Sufficiently Describe The Conquest?,”TrinityJournal20:1 (Spring 1999): 53-68.

Gordon J. Wenham, “Deuteronomic theology of the book of Joshua,”Journalof Biblical Literature90.2 (June 1971): 140-148.

Section 7: Got Questions


Book of Joshua – Bible Survey

Who was Joshua in the Bible?

Has Israel’s territory ever encompassed the promise in Joshua 1:4?

Does God’s promise to Joshua and Israel in Joshua 1:9 apply to us?

Why did the Israelite spies visit the house of Rahab the prostitute?

Who was Rahab in the Bible?

What was the significance of the Jordan crossing?

Who was the commander of the army of the LORD in Joshua 5:14?

What should we learn from the walls of Jericho falling down?

Why did Joshua curse Jericho in Joshua 6:26?

Who was Achan in the Bible?

Why did God judge the sin of Achan so severely?

Who were the Gibeonites?

Why did God command the extermination of the Canaanites?

Is it true that the sun stood still?

Why did the Israelites take the Canaanites as slaves instead of destroying them as they were instructed?

Did the geographic positioning of the tribes fulfill Jacob’s blessing?

Why was the altar in Joshua 22:10–34 such a big deal?

What does the Bible say about the hornet?

What does “as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” mean in Joshua 24:15?

Section 8: Next

Next: Judges

Previous: Deuteronomy

Series: Resources by Book

Photo by Pierre Bamin on Unsplash