June 2019 Recap

by | Jun 29, 2019 | News, Reflections

You can now find a resource page for every book of the the New Testament on WitW! These pages contain links to maps, background information, charts, overviews, introductions, encyclopedias and key words to help you do your own inductive study!  I hope you find them useful.  On the podcast, I plan teach through 1Corinthians 8, take a break and return to 1Corinthians. Thanks for listening and emailing!


05 1Corinthians 1:26-31 Consider your calling

As he discusses this issue of changing the gospel message to make it more attractive to the world, Paul says let’s consider what happened when I first preached the gospel to you in Corinth. Let’s consider your calling.  What we can learn from it?  Our boast is that we belong to God — not because we were smart enough to find Him; but because He was merciful enough to find us.

06 1Corinthians 2:1-5 Superiority of speech or lack thereof

Paul argues that when he was in Corinth he didn’t seek to impress them with flashy rhetoric and charisma, rather he taught them wisdom from God, so that their confidence would rest in the power of God.

07  Corinthians 2:6-16 Wisdom from the Spirit

Paul argues that the message he preaches is in fact wisdom because it is revelation from God. The gospel is not something we would figure out on our own.

08 1Corinthians 3:1-4 Who are the “carnal Christians”?

1Corinthians 3:1-4 have been at the center of a theological debate over whether we can have victory of sin in our lives now.  One side argues that Paul believes “carnal Christians” will be saved but not sanctified because they have not learned to appropriate the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives.  The other side says there is no such thing as “carnal Christians.”   I will argue from context which side is right.

09 1Corinthians 3:5-10 He who plants and he who sows

Paul explains how the Corinthians should view Apollos and himself – as fellow-servants of God. His explanation has far-reaching implications for the American church today.

Bible Study Resources

NEW: Paul’s Missionary Journeys

The itinerary of Paul’s three missionary journeys on 1 map and in 1 chart with links to background information on the cities and the reference in Acts.

NEW: Acts Bible Study Resources

Everything you need to kick start your study of the Book  of Acts: maps,

NEW: Psalms quoted in the New Testament

This list includes both allusions and direct quotations, but it does not capture ALL references to the thoughts, themes or phrases from the Psalms found in the New Testament.

NEW: Hebrews Study Resources

Everything you need to kick start your study of the Book of Hebrews: maps, charts, key words, history, background, outlines, and links to help you study.

NEW: Hebrews quotations of the Old Testament

a chart of the many Old Testament quotes and allusions in the book of Hebrews

Bible Study Topics

What can I learn from a Bible map?

You’ll be surprised at how the information on a map can open your study. Consider how knowing that the road to Jericho was 17-miles changes the parable of the good Samaritan

What’s a concordance, and why do I need one?

A concordance is an organized list of all the biblical texts which contain a given word. Concordances allow you to broaden your understanding of how a word is used and its range of meanings.  There are 3 types: analytical, exhaustive and complete.  Here’s why you need one.

What good is a Bible dictionary?

Lexicons & dictionaries can reveal what might be “lost in translation” but they also tempt us to fall into the trap of “I learned a fact about a word and I must use it.”  Here’s the right way to use a lexicon and/or a dictionary.

When should I use a Bible encyclopedia?

Multi-volume encyclopedias are good sources for historical and biblical themes. But background information does not impose meaning.

How to use commentaries 

Commentaries can kick-start your thinking when you hit a dead end but should not be a substitute for your own work. Here’s my two rules of thumb.

3 Favors

If you’ve been blessed by the WitW podcast, I have 3 favors to ask:

If you can only do one, telling a friend is best.  Thanks for listening!

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Previous: May 2019

Photo by Sai Kiran Anagani on Unsplash