June 2020 Reflections

by | Jun 30, 2020 | News, Reflections

June 2020 Reflections | WednesdayintheWord.com

During my study break, I will randomly offer single podcasts that illustrate good Bible study methodology or that are passages I’ve always wanted to teach. I’ve also been adding to the number of resource pages to aid you in your study.


Matthew 12:43-45 Return of the Unclean Spirit

Matthew 12:43-44 contains one of the most difficult sayings of Jesus. This passage can only be solved with good Bible study methodology.  I think it is one of the hardest passages I’ve ever tackled.

The Great Banquet Parable, Luke 14:7-24

In Luke 14, Jesus gives a series of parables in rapid secession.  They are all set at a banquet.  These parables aren’t as famous as some of the other parables Jesus tells.  They are relatively straightforward so they tend to get overshadowed by other parables like the prodigal son.  But I think they are very profound.

Coming July 8:  What does it mean to carry your cross? Luke 14:25-35

Jesus said whoever does not bear his own cross cannot be his disciple. This passage can be terrifying because Jesus makes strong claims about hating your family and your own life. If we claim to follow Jesus, then we need to know exactly what he requires to be his disciple.

NEW Resources:

Only half of WitW listeners are in the United States. Where are the others? Here are the top 10 countries:

  1. United States
  2. South Africa
  3. United Kingdom
  4. Germany
  5. Canada
  6. Philippines
  7. India
  8. Australia
  9. Nigeria
  10. Netherlands

My remaining 2020 goal is to pass 150,000 downloads (currently 133,055). 

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I need your help: Please tell a friend about the podcast — but more importantly encourage them with something you learned.   Thanks for listening!

Next: July 2020

Previous: May 2020

Photo by Sai Kiran Anagani on Unsplash