New Testament Maps

by | Nov 11, 2022 | 02 Library, Maps

Here are my favorite maps related to the New Testament and where to find them.

Please note the maps on this website are linked from other sources. Please contact those sources for the rights to use a map. All map attributions can be found in their related articles and links.

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Maps Sources

Complete list of Holman Bible Atlas Maps

Complete list: New Testament Maps

Complete list: All Maps

Complete list: Maps from

Complete list: ESV Maps

Maps sorted by book of the Bible

Old Testament Maps


Palestine and Herod the Great

Israel under the Maccabees (Map 9) – English Standard Version Bible

Jerusalem (Map 10) – English Standard Version Bible

Palestine under Romand Rule (Map 11) – English Standard Version Bible

Early Rome – Holman Bible Atlas

Roman Expansion in the 3rd & 2nd centuries BCE – Holman Bible Atlas

Civil Wars amidst Roman Expansion in 1st century BCE – Holman Bible Atlas

Roman Empire in the Age of Augustus – Holman Bible Atlas

Roman Rule in Palestine 63-40 BCE – Holman Bible Atlas

The Kingdom of Herod the Great – Holman Bible Atlas

Herod’s Building Program – Holman Bible Atlas

Herod the Great’s Kingdom –

Herod’s Kingdom Divided –

Herod’s Temple –

The Division of Herod’s Kingdom – Holman Bible Atlas

Palestine under the Herods – Holman Bible Atlas


Jesus – Life and Ministry

New Testament World –

Israel in New Testament Times –

Jerusalem at the time of Jesus –

Jesus’ Early Ministry –

Jesus in Galilee –

Nazareth-Galilee –

New Testament Jerusalem –

Palestine in the Time of Jesus (1) – Holman Bible Atlas

Palestine in the Time of Jesus (2) – Holman Bible Atlas

Qumran and the Dead Sea Scrolls – Holman Bible Atlas

Jesus’ Birth and Early Childhood – Holman Bible Atlas

The Birth, Childhood, and Baptism of Jesus – Holman Bible Atlas

John the Baptist – Holman Bible Atlas

Galilee in the Time of Jesus – Holman Bible Atlas

Jesus’ Ministry in Galilee and Journey to Jerusalem – Holman Bible Atlas

The Ministry of Jesus around the Sea of Galilee – Holman Bible Atlas

The Ministry of Jesus beyond Galilee – Holman Bible Atlas

Jesus’ Ministry according to John – Holman Bible Atlas

Jesus’ Journeys from Galilee to Judea – Holman Bible Atlas

Jesus in Judea and Jerusalem – Holman Bible Atlas

Jerusalem in the New Testament Period – Holman Bible Atlas

The Passion Week in Jerusalem – Holman Bible Atlas


Paul & the Apostles

Apostles Early Ministry (Map 12) – English Standard Version Bible

Pauls 1st & 2nd Journeys (Map 13) – English Standard Version Bible

Pauls 3rd Journey & trip to Rome (Map 14) – English Standard Version Bible

Paul’s 3 Journeys on 1 map – Tyndale

Apostles’ Journeys –

World of the New Testament –

Paul’s 1st Journey –

Paul’s 2nd Journey –

Paul’s 3rd Journey –

Israel in New Testament Times –

The Kingdom of Herod Agrippa I – Holman Bible Atlas

The Kingdom of Agrippa II – Holman Bible Atlas

Pentecost and the Jewish Diaspora – Holman Bible Atlas

Expansion of the Early Church in Palestine – Holman Bible Atlas

Paul’s Conversion and Early Ministry – Holman Bible Atlas

Paul’s Journeys – Holman Bible Atlas

The First Missionary Journey of Paul – Holman Bible Atlas

The Second Missionary Journey of Paul – Holman Bible Atlas

The Third Missionary Journey of Paul – Holman Bible Atlas

Paul’s Arrest and Imprisonment – Holman Bible Atlas

Paul’s Voyage to Rome – Holman Bible Atlas

Spread of Christianity (Map 15) – English Standard Version Bible


    Photo by Daniel Gonzalez on Unsplash