Marriage God’s Way

by | Sep 29, 2013 | 03 Series, Topical

Even the best couples are constantly working on their marriage.  In this series, David John & Krisan Marotta examine what the Bible has to say about the commitment of marriage. While this series is targeted at “newlyweds” and “nearly-weds” — couples who have made or are going to make the commitment of marriage –, savvy singles who want to scout the marriage landscape are encouraged.

01 The 3 Commitments of Marriage (Genesis 2)

Teachers: David & Krisan Marotta on October 6, 2013

02 The Roles of Head and Helper (Genesis 2; 1 Peter 3)

Teacher: David  & Krisan Marotta on October 13, 2013

03 The Language of Sexuality (1 Corinthians 6)

Teachers: David & Krisan Marotta on October 20, 2013

04 Romance & Sexuality Part 1 (Song of Songs 1-2)

Teachers: David & Krisan Marotta on October 27, 2013

05 Romance & Sexuality Part 2 (Song of Songs 4)

Teachers: David & Krisan Marotta on November 3, 2013

06 Conflict & Apology (Song of Songs 5)

Teachers: David & Krisan Marotta on November 10, 2013

07 The Four A’s that can destroy Marriage (Proverbs)

Teachers: David & Krisan Marotta on November 17, 2013

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