04 Meeting God in the Psalms

by | Aug 3, 2016 | 01 Podcasts, Psalms

Teaching to Change Lives

  • If education changed lives…
  • How do you measure teachings effectiveness?
  • Heart to heart, not head to head.
  • First rule is to excite the student about the subject matter


  • Personal experience
  • Reading into the Bible
  • Correlation
  • Shocking passages of scripture
  • Hermeneutical circle
  • Breaking the hermeneutical circle
  • Presuppositions make a difference
  • Universal presuppositions
  • Experiential presuppositions
  • Importance of systematic theology

Four poor substitutes for application

  • We substitute interpretation for application.
  • We substitute superficial obedience for substantive life-change.
  • We substitute rationalization for repentance.
  • We substitute an emotional experience for a volitional decision.


  • “Be perfect” sermons; Examples: Psalm 1 and Psalm 15

Main teaching points

  • Principles should correlate with the general teaching of Scripture.
  • Principles should speak to the needs, interests, questions, and problems of real life today.
  • Principles should indicate a course of action.

Sermon Themes

  • Humanity’s radical corruption
  • God’s sovereign choice
  • Christ’s purposeful atonement
  • The Spirit’s effective call
  • God’ preservation of the saints


For more detail and explanation, please listen to the podcast.

Next: 05 Sharing the Psalms

Previous: 03 Interpreting the Psalms

Series: How to Study Psalms

Resources: Psalms

For more: Bible Study 101

Photo used here under Flickr Creative Commons.