Women’s Ministry Evaluation Sample

by | Jun 7, 2018 | 02 Library, Examples

It’s always helpful to get feedback from your students at the end of a Bible study year.  But evaluations can be a problem.  If they are too short, your leaders don’t gain any useful information.  If they are too long, few students will not fill them out.

Here’s an example we’ve used at Wednesday in the Word that seems to find the right balance.  In prints to 1 page front and back.   My online survey tool estimates that it takes 2 minutes to complete.

This example survey is geared to a Bible study with a large group, small groups and homework.  You can customize it to fit your programs.

Sample Evaluation

Please “speak the truth in love” so that we may continue learning how to serve God and you better. Return to your small group leader or to the registration table.

Please rate the following:

Content:  _too hard   _a bit hard   _just right  _a bit easy _ too easy
Length: _too much   _a bit long  _just right  _a bit short  _too short
As basis for discussion:  _great  _helpful  _average _not helpful  _confusing
Finished homework:  _every week  _most _half _sometimes _very few
Please record your overall reactions to the homework (10 = excellent; 1 = poor)
10         9          8          7          6          5          4          3          2          1
Small Group
Atmosphere:  _too formal   _a bit formal  _just right  _a bit casual _ too casual
Length:  _too short   _a bit short  _just right  _a bit long  _too long
Experience: _rewarding  _positive  _neutral  _awkward  _a disaster
Please record your overall reactions to small group time (10 = excellent; 1 = poor)
10         9          8          7          6          5          4          3          2          1
Large Group
Theoretical: _too advanced _a bit advanced   balanced _a bit basic _too basic
Practical: _too advanced _a bit advanced   balanced _a bit basic _too basic
Overall content: _too advanced _a bit advanced   balanced _a bit basic _too basic
Please record your overall reactions to the large group lecture (10 = excellent; 1 = poor)
10         9          8          7          6          5          4          3          2          1
What would you like to study next year? check your preferences:
_____ Old Testament or _____New Testament
_____ 1 study all year or _____ new study in Winter
_____ study 1 book or _____ topical study
What did you enjoy most about Bible study?
If you could change anything about Bible study, what would you change? Why?
Additional Thoughts?
Are you interested in helping with Bible study next year (Check all)
_Morning Coffee Setup ___Ending Cleanup ____Equipment setup
_Greeting & Outreach ___ Other Social Event(s)________________________
_Leader Training Other:_________________
If yes to any of these, please provide your
Name ____________________________Phone _____________Email _________________
Please email me and let me know how this worked for you or ways you changed and improved it.

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