Who was Nebuchadnezzar?

by | Sep 21, 2020 | 02 Library, Who is

Nebuchadneeezar II was king of Babylon from 604-562 BC

  • He is mentioned in Scripture: 2Kings 24-25; Jeremiah 21; Daniel 1:5
  • Nebuchadnezzar was the son of Nabopolassar.
  • 609 BC – Nebuchadnezzar was placed at the head of his father’s armies.
  • 606 BC – Nebuchadnezzar took Palestine away from the control of Egypt.
  • 606 BC – Nebuchadnezzar took some Jewish captives to Babylon, including the prophet Daniel.
  • 606 BC – Nebuchadnezzar became co-regent with his father, Nabopolassar.
  • 604 BC – Nebuchadnezzar became the sole ruler of Babylon and reigned for 45 of the 70 years that the Babylonian Empire stood.
  • 597 BC – Nebuchadnezzar crushed a new rebellion in Palestine and took King Jehoiachin and more captives to Babylon, including the prophet Ezekiel.
  • 586 BC – Nebuchadnezzar burned Jerusalem to the ground and took more captives to Babylon.
  • 587-573 BC – Nebuchadnezzar’s army besieged Tyre for 13 years. Nebuchadnezzar invaded and conquered Moab, Ammon, Edom and Lebanon.
  • 581 BC – Nebuchadnezzar again took captives from Judah.
  • 572 BC – Nebuchadnezzar invaded and plundered Egypt.
  • In the second year of Nebuchadnezzar’s reign as sole ruler (which was Daniel’s 3rd year in Babylon), he experienced his dream of the great image (Daniel 2).
  • In Daniel 4, Nebuchadnezzar was smitten with a mental condition in which he believed he was a wild beast.
  • Nebuchadnezzar died in 561 BC.
  • The prophet Daniel exerted some influence over Nebuchadnezzar. Three times the King called on Daniel’s God: Daniel 2:47; Daniel 3:39; Daniel 4:34.
  • The city of Babylon was massive with walls 60 miles around, 15 miles high on each side, 300 feet high and 80 feet thick, extending some 35 feet below the ground.

In Scripture

Nebuchadnezzar is referenced 91 times in 88 verses (32X in Daniel; 37 times in Jeremiah).

2Ki 24:1; 2Ki 24:10; 2Ki 24:11; 2Ki 25:1; 2Ki 25:8; 2Ki 25:22; 1Ch 6:15; 2Ch 36:6; 2Ch 36:7; 2Ch 36:10; 2Ch 36:13; Ezr 1:7; Ezr 2:1; Ezr 5:12; Ezr 5:14; Ezr 6:5; Neh 7:6; Est 2:6; Jer 21:2; Jer 21:7; Jer 22:25; Jer 24:1; Jer 25:1; Jer 25:9; Jer 27:6; Jer 27:8; Jer 27:20; Jer 28:3; Jer 28:11; Jer 28:14; Jer 29:1; Jer 29:3; Jer 29:21; Jer 32:1; Jer 32:28; Jer 34:1; Jer 35:11; Jer 37:1; Jer 39:1; Jer 39:5; Jer 39:11; Jer 43:10; Jer 44:30; Jer 46:2; Jer 46:13; Jer 46:26; Jer 49:28; Jer 49:30; Jer 50:17; Jer 51:34; Jer 52:4; Jer 52:12; Jer 52:28; Jer 52:29; Jer 52:30; Eze 26:7; Eze 29:18; Eze 29:19; Eze 30:10; Dan 1:1; Dan 1:18; Dan 2:1; Dan 2:28; Dan 2:46; Dan 3:1; Dan 3:2; Dan 3:3; Dan 3:5; Dan 3:7; Dan 3:9; Dan 3:13; Dan 3:14; Dan 3:16; Dan 3:19; Dan 3:24; Dan 3:26; Dan 3:28; Dan 4:1; Dan 4:4; Dan 4:18; Dan 4:28; Dan 4:31; Dan 4:33; Dan 4:34; Dan 4:37; Dan 5:2; Dan 5:11; Dan 5:18.


Photo by Ansie Potgieter on Unsplash