New? Start Here.
If you’re a new believer or just new to Wednesday in the Word, here are some suggested places to start.
New? Start here

Does God tempt or test us?
Does God tempt us? Or test us? What’s the difference? The distinction between testing and tempting concerns the motives of the one doing the testing.

How do I study the Bible?
Wondering how to get started studying the Bible? You can jump in anywhere. But here are a few suggestions to get you moving.

I need an overview of the Bible
Overview of the Bible: Just as it’s helpful to know the culture of Jane Austin before reading Emma, it’s helpful to know the history behind the Bible.

Is Jesus coming back?
Yes, Jesus is coming back! Yes, he warned his disciples his return would not be soon. All the New Testament writes claim the return of Christ is integral to our Christian hope.

How do I find God’s will?
One of the first questions new believers confront is: how do I find God’s will for my life? It’s a lot easier thank you think, if you avoid the bad advice and focu

Tell me more about Jesus
If you have an interest in learning more about who Jesus was, why he came or what he taught, here are some places to start.

Why is life so hard?
Why is life so hard? The Bible has a lot to say about suffering and trials and the problem of evil. Here are a few places to start exploring answers from Scripture.

How do I know I’m saved?
One of the most crucial questions we all face is: how do I know I am saved? How do I know that I won’t walk away from God one day? Here are a few passages that will answer that question.

I’m a new believer. Where do I start?
Welcome to the family! Really you can start anywhere and pick any book of the Bible to begin learning. In addition to finding a good local church and small group, here’s one suggested path to start learning.
Top welcome photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash