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Wednesday in the Word

Wednesday in the Word with Krisan Marotta is

  • a weekly podcast about what the Bible means and how we know.
  • an online library of Bible study tools and resources.

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Philippians: Choose Life

Philippians: Choose Life

Paul’s letter to the Philippians is filled expressions of praise, joy and confidence, despite the fact that Paul wrote the letter while he was in prison. The Philippian church, unlike many other churches Paul wrote to, was not facing any particular problem or controversy. Instead their challenges were the kind that plague many churches today. We can learn from Paul how to rejoice and persevere in the mundane, ordinary difficulties of life.

Celebrating Season 25 of the Wednesday in the Word podcast

The longest running Bible Study podcast in the world


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Latest articles from Krisan Marotta

From the blog

Bible Maps

Bible Maps

After investing in a few good translations, the next tool I recommend to improve your Bible Study is a good collection of maps. While most study Bibles have some maps in the back, serious study requires access to more detailed geographical information about Palestine and the ancient near east.

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Early Church Heresies

Early Church Heresies

While not a complete list of early church heresies, these groups are the ones that the New Testament authors seem to write against and respond to most often

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Like Ezra, I have set my hear to “study the Law of the LORD, and to do it, and to teach His statutes” (Ezra 7:10).

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New to Wednesday in the Word? Here are some suggested places to start

(This article has been read 14,339 times; 379 today.)