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Wednesday in the Word
Wednesday in the Word with Krisan Marotta is:
- a weekly podcast about what the Bible means and how we know.
- an online library of Bible study tools and resources.
- soon to include a series of books.
Latest Podcasts
Latest Podcast Season

Nehemiah: Restoration & Redemption
The message of Nehemiah is restoration. The book records how God moved Nehemiah to lead the people to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem in approximately 446 BC. As the story unfolds, we see God restore godly leadership to Israel, restore the walls of Jerusalem, restore the broken faith of the people, restore a sense of community and heritage as God’s people, and restore the people’s knowledge of the God’s word and their desire to love and obey Him.
Latest articles from Krisan Marotta
From the blog
goodness, agathósuné, G19
Tools and resources you need to do a word study on the Greek word for goodness, agathósuné, G19.
Small Group Dynamics: The Rule of “In”
In new groups, participants often seek connections through icebreaker questions. How we respond impacts the future community. I’ve learned to employ what I call the “Rule of In”.
My solution to the Great Pastor Resignation
A national survey revealed that 42% of pastors considered quitting and many already have. Here’s how one church avoided that problem.
05 Did Jesus Die for Nothing? (Galatians 2:11-21)
Galatians 2:11-21: Paul includes rebuking Peter as part of his defense. Paul could rebuke Peter because they had the same view of the gospel. This incident serves two purposes: 1) it furthers Paul’s claim that he and the apostles teach the same gospel; and 2) it introduces this issue of whether gentile believers must keep the law.
kindness, chréstotés, G5544
Tools and resources you need to do a word study on the Greek word for kindness, chréstotés, G5544.
Example: Discipleship Survey Sample
Most women’s ministries offer a discipleship program at some point. While there is no “one size fits all” model for how to implement discipleship, here are some ideas to help you get started.
Celebrating 25 seasons of the Wednesday in the Word podcast
The longest running Bible Study podcast in the world

Reviews from Listeners
I stumbled upon the Wednesday in the Word website while googling for a free pdf of Matthew to mark up as I studied. And wow I’m so glad I did. I decided to check out the podcast and honestly expected just some superficial, bland, content. I was pleasantly surprised! The episodes are such a nice balanced summary to complement my own study. I love how Krisan touches on scholarly debates and many finer points of exposition, but never misses the “big picture” and the point of what is being written to us. She filers through a LOT of information for us busy Bible lovers and points us to content that will really enhance our understanding. For example, in her introduction to Matthew, she explains the differences in how the synoptic gospels and the gospel of John present the relationship between Jesus and Jerusalem. It is fascinating and adds such depth of understanding and meaning! I know each episode represents a lot of study and hard work on her part because she synthesizes so much information. Thanks Krisan for feeding us so well.
Wednesday in the Word is an excellent source of solid Biblical teaching. I appreciate how each lesson is claer, challenging and opens my eyes every time to grow in a better understanding of what Jesus Christ has done for me.
This is such an excellent program. I listen every week.
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Krisan Marotta is a Bible teacher, author, and the voice behind the “Wednesday in the Word” podcast, reaching over 50,000 listeners annually. With a background in journalism and biblical exegesis, Krisan’s passion for teaching the Bible has been a constant throughout her life. Residing in Virginia, she is always eager to spread the joy of Bible study to others.