Wednesday in the Word podcast

The podcast that explains what the Bible means and how we figure it out.

Wednesday in the Word is the longest-running Bible study podcast in the world.

No advertisements or donation requests. Free to all who want to learn.

In each episode, I explain the author’s meaning in plain language and model how I reached those conclusions.

Episode Categories

New Testament

Old Testament



Latest Episodes from the Wednesday in the Word podcast

01 When God calls: Burn your ox

01 When God calls: Burn your ox

When God called Elisha to be succeed the prophet Elijah, Elisha was a farmer with no apparent qualifications. Yet Elisha burned his ox and followed. Then Elisha refused to leave his mentor’s side, humbly asking that God equip him for the journey ahead.

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03 The Lord Answers (Habakkuk 2:1-20)

03 The Lord Answers (Habakkuk 2:1-20)

Habakkuk first asks why God would let evil go on so long among His own chosen people. Confused by the Lord’s answer, Habakkuk then asks how the Lord can let the wicked trample the righteous? Again, the Lord’s answer is not what Habakkuk expects.

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40 Matthew 7:7-11 Seek and you will find

40 Matthew 7:7-11 Seek and you will find

Ask God for the life He has promised and you will receive it. Seek the good things that He has promised and you will find them. Knock on the door to the kingdom of heaven and it will open to you. These words are powerful because of the difficult battle they represent. Believing and acting on these promises is the central struggle of the Christian life.

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39 Matthew 7:6 Throwing pearls to pigs

39 Matthew 7:6 Throwing pearls to pigs

In Matthew 7:6, many people understand Jesus to be saying something like: you don’t need to share the gospel with hostile, unworthy people. However, I agree with the minority who understand Jesus to be saying: don’t be the kind of fool who throws away what is beautiful and precious.

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38 Matthew 7:1-5 The Log in your eye

38 Matthew 7:1-5 The Log in your eye

The log in your own eye versus the speck in your neighbor’s eye is a powerful image of willfully living a lie. Jesus warns that if you condemn other people for their sins, you are ignoring a fundamental truth about yourself in a way that is almost impossible to imagine.

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Celebrating 25 seasons of the Wednesday in the Word podcast

The longest running Bible Study podcast in the world

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