Psalm 49 The Folly of Trusting in Riches

by | Jul 13, 2016 | 01 Podcasts, Psalms

Lecture Notes for Psalm 49


1) Introduction – Receive The Wisdom of God (v.1-4)

a) Written by the sons of Korah
b) The Psalm is universally applicable (v.1-2)
c) The Psalm is a universally true

2) Vanity of Riches: The Limitations of Wealth (v.5-13)

a) There is no reason to fear power in the hands of sinners. (v.5-6)
b) Only Jesus’ blood shed for us for our redemption is worthy of our trust. (v.7-9)
c) Wealth and power are ephemeral. (v.11-12)
d) Summary: Though they seem secure, those who try to live trusting in themselves are insecure. (v.13)

3) Retribution: The Two Destinies (v.14-20)

a) There is a resurrection life where righteousness matters. (v.14-15)
b) Do not be impressed by something as ephemeral as wealth. (v.16-17)
c) Real blessing comes from God and He is the only one who deserves praise. (v.18-19)
d) Summary: A rich man who trusts in his riches does not understand that God is the only Deliverer of the Soul. (v.20)


  • Avoid greed
  • Avoid fear
  • Avoid pride
  • Practice stewardship
  • Be generous
  • Respect calling

For more detail and explanation, please listen to the podcast.

Teacher: David John Marotta

Part of the Series: Understanding Psalms

Resources: Understanding Hebrew Poetry

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