Psalms of Praise: Their form

by | Nov 9, 2020 | 04 Bible Study 101, Genre, Psalms

75% of Psalms are 1 of three main types: lament, thanksgiving or praise. Here is the general form for praise psalms.

The Call to Praise

  • Prologue: Hallelujah

The Cause for Praise

  • Summary statement (e.g. His Greatness, Lord of creation; His Grace, Lord of History)
  • Specific illustrations


  • A renewed call to praise, exhortation or petition.
  • Epilogue

Examples: Psalm 33; Psalm 36; Psalm 105; Psalm 111; Psalm 117; Psalm 135; Psalm 136; Psalm 146.

Example: Psalm 33

  • Call to Praise – vs 1
  • Summary Statement – vs 2-4
  • Specific illustrations – vs 5-9
  • Conclusion – vs 10

For more: Claus Westermann, The Praises of God in the Psalms (1965). You’ll probably have to track it down in a library.

Psalms of Lament: Their Form

Psalms of Thanksgiving: Their Form

Resources: Psalms

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash