Psalms Bible Study Resources

by | Sep 3, 2020 | 02 Library, Resources by Book

Study questions, maps, charts, key words, history, background, outlines, and links to help you study the Old Testament book of Psalms.

Jump to: Background; ** Maps; ** Key Words; ** Encyclopedias; ** Commentaries; ** Articles; ** GotQuestions ** Next **



  • David – 73;
  • anonymous – 50;
  • Asaph – 12;
  • Moses – 1 (Psalm 90);
  • Solomon 2 (Psalm 72; 127);
  • plus other authors


  • 150 Psalms in 5 books (collections); each collection ends with a concluding doxology
  • Book 1: Psalms 1-41; 41:13
  • Book 2: Psalms 42-72; 72:18-20
  • Book 3: Psalms 79-89; 89:52
  • Book 4: Psalms 90-106; 106;48
  • Book 5: Psalms 107-150; 150:1-6

Wisdom Literature

  • Job, Ecclesiastes, Proverbs, Song of Solomon
  • General interest in humanity and universal pronouncements (as opposed to the people of Israel)
  • Grounded in a theology of creation
  • Fear of YHWH as proper context for wisdom, sometimes explicitly stated, but often implicit
  • Questioning attitude about the basic problems of life: why is there suffering, inequality, death, why do the wicked prosper, etc.

Major Types of Psalms

Hymns of Praise

  • Features: Call to Praise; Praise of the Lord’s deeds/attributes; Conclusion
  • Occasion: Public worship in the temple during annual festivals and national celebrations
  • Examples: Psalm 8; Psalm 29; Psalm 33; Psalm 46; Psalm 48; Psalm 65; Psalm 67; Psalm 68; Psalm 76; Psalm 100; Psalm 111; Psalm 113; Psalm 117; Psalm 135

Thanksgiving Psalms

  • Features: Resolve to give praise or give thanks; description of distress faced; confession of Lord as Redeemer/deliverer; Vow of praise/assurance; Conclusion/lesson learned
  • Occasion: an individual’s deliverance from acute distress
  • Examples: Psalm 18; Psalm 30; Psalm 32; Psalm 34; Psalm 66; Psalm 92; Psalm 116; Psalm 118; Psalm; Psalm 136; Psalm 138.

Community Laments

  • Features: Lamentation; petition; confession of trust; statement of praise
  • Occasion: Used by the assembled congregation during national calamities or threats
  • Examples: Psalm 12; Psalm 44; Psalm 58; Psalm 60; Psalm 74; Psalm 80; Psalm 83; Psalm 85; Psalm 90; Psalm 94; Psalm 123; Psalm 126; Psalm 129; Psalm 137.

Individual Laments

  • Features; Complaint/lament; confession of trust; petition; vow or statement of praise
  • Occasion: Experience of distress, sickness, flight from enemies, etc.
  • Examples: ; Psalm 3; Psalm 4; Psalm 5; Psalm 6; Psalm 7; Psalm 10; Psalm 17; Psalm 22; Psalm 25; Psalm 26; Psalm 27; Psalm 28; Psalm 31; Psalm 35; Psalm 28; Psalm 39; Psalm 40; Psalm 41; Psalm 51; Psalm 52; Psalm 53; Psalm 54; Psalm 55; Psalm 56 ; Psalm 57; Psalm 61; Psalm 64; Psalm 69; Psalm 70; Psalm71; Psalm 77; Psalm 86; Psalm 88; Psalm 89; Psalm 102; Psalm 109; Psalm 120; Psalm 130; Psalm 139; Psalm 141; Psalm 142; Psalm 143.

Royal Psalms

  • Features: Praise and celebration of the King; praise and celebration of YHWH as king
  • Occasion: coronation of king; a petition of behalf of the king; praise for King’s success; praise to YHWH as king.
  • Examples: Psalm 2; Psalm 18; Psalm 20; Psalm 21; Psalm 72; Psalm 93; Psalm 101; Psalm 110; Psalm 131; Psalm 144.

Minor types of Psalms

  • Wedding Psalm: Psalm 45 for the king’s wedding
  • Processional hymns for entering the temple: Psalms 15; Psalm 24
  • For festival to celebrate YHWH’s kingship: Psalm 93; ; Psalms 95-99
  • Recitation of great historical deeds: Psalm 78; Psalm 105; Psalm 106.
  • “Song of Ascents”: for pilgrims on the way to Jerusalem; Psalms 120-134.
  • Zion hymns: about the temple in Jerusalem on Mt Zion; Psalms 46; Psalm 48; Psalm 76; Psalm 84; Psalm 87; Psalm 122.
  • Wisdom Psalms: Psalm 1; Psalm 19; Psalm 36; Psalm 37; Psalm 49; Psalm 73; Psalm 78; Psalm 112; Psalm 119; Psalm 127; Psalm 128.

Genre: Understanding Hebrew Poetry

Psalms of Lament: Their Form

Psalms of Thanksgiving: Their Form

Psalms of Praise: Their Form

Section 1: Background

Background & Outlines

Ray Stedman: Overview of each Book

John MacArthur – Introduction to Pslams

Biblehub: Timeline of Psalms

ESV: Introduction to Psalms

ESV: The Global Message of Psalms

NIV: Introduction to Psalms

NIV: Wisdom Literature

James van Dine: Analysis of Psalms

Charles Swindoll: Book of Psalms Overview

Psalms quoted in the New Testament

David Malick: An Introduction to Psalms on

Overview of the 5 Psalms, types, terms and purposes

A list of Psalms by Theme

Read through the Psalms in 30 days

Probable occasion when each psalm was written

Section 2: Maps

Maps from Holman Bible Atlas

The Battle at Ebenezer and the Loss of the Ark

The Ministry of Samuel and Anointment of Saul

The Kingdom of Saul and His Wars

Saul, 1000 BCE

David’s Flight from Saul

David’s Rise to Power

David in Conquest of Canaan

David’s Wars of Conquest

Kingdom of David and Solomon

The United Monarchy under Solomon (1)

The United Monarchy under Solomon (2)

Solomon’s Economic Enterprises

Solomon’s Building Activities

Solomon’s Temple

Jerusalem in the Time of David and Solomon

ESV Maps

Section 3: Key Words

Key Words

  • varies with Psalm

Section 4: Encyclopedias

Dictionaries & Encyclopedias

Baker’s Evangelical Dictionary: Psalms, Theology of

American Tract Society Psalms, the Book of

Bridgeway Bible Dictionary Psalms, book of

Fausset Bible Dictionary Psalms, the Book of  Psalms

Holman Bible Dictionary Psalms, Book of   Psalms of Solomon   Imprecation, Imprecatory Psalms

Morrish Bible Dictionary Psalms, Book of  Psalms

Smith Bible Dictionary Psalms, Book of,

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia Psalms, Book of

McClintock and Strong’s Bible Encyclopedia Psalms, Book Of,

The Nuttall Encyclopedia Psalms, the Book of

American Church Dictionary Proper psalms  Penitential psalms

Easton’s Bible Dictionary Psalms

Hastings’ Dictionary of the Bible Psalms of Solomon;  Psalms

Hastings’ Dictionary of the NT  Psalms ; Psalms (2) ; Psalms of Solomon

1911 Encyclopedia Britannica Book of Psalms

Kitto Biblical Cyclopedia Degrees psalms of;  Psalms book of

McClintock and Strong: Psalms, Book of, ; Alleluiatic Psalms;  Special Psalms;  Selections of PsalmsAbecedarian Hymns or Psalms ;Metrical Psalms And Hymns ; Penitential Psalms;  Proper Psalms

The Nuttall Encyclopedia Penitential Psalms

Alfred Edersheim The Golden Diary of Heart Converse with Jesus in the Book of Psalms

Section 5: Commentaries

Commentaries & Study Bibles

Top 5 Commentaries on the Book of Psalms by Keith Mathison

Best Commentaries on Psalms – Tim Challies

Best Commentary on Psalms

Calvin’s Commentary on the Bible: Psalms

Matthew Henry: Psalms

Albert Barnes Notes: Psalms

Reformation Study Bible Notes: Psalms

Geneva Study Bible: Psalms

Precept Austin Commentaries & Sermons: Psalms

Section 6: Articles


James Frazer: The Authenticity of the Psalm Titles,” Grace Theological Seminary, 1984.

Psalm 15 – Maloney, Les. “A Portrait of the Righteous Person,” Restoration Quaterly   45.3 (2003) 151-164

Psalm 22 – Gren, Conrad R. “Piercing the Ambiguities of Psalm 22:16 and the Messiah’s Mission,” Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 48.2 (2005) 283-99

Psalm 22 – Heineman, Mark H. “An Exposition of Psalm 22,” Bibliotheca Sacra 147 (July 1990) 286-308

Psalm 22- Patterson, Richard D “Psalm 22: From Trial to Triumph,” Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 47.2 (2004) 213-33. 

Psalm 22, Psalm 41 (et al) Derek Tidball – Songs of the Crucified One: The Psalms and the Crucifixion SBJT V11 N2.4

Psalm 32, 51 – Barentsen, Jack. “Restoration and Its Blessings: A Theological Analysis of Psalm 51 and 32,” Grace Theological Journal 5.2 (1984) 247-269

Psalm 45 – Patterson, Richard D. “A Multiplex Approach to Psalm 45,” Grace Theological   Journal 6.1 (1985) 29-48

Psalm 47- Perdue, Leo G. “‘Yahweh Is King over All the Earth’: An Exegesis of Psalm 47,” Restoration Quarterly 17.2 (1974) 85-98

Psalm 49 – Estes, Daniel J. “Poetic Artistry in the Expression of Fear in Psalm 49,” Bibliotheca Sacra 161 (Jan.-Mar. 2004) 55-71.

Psalm 51 –Harrison, Everett F. “A Study of Psalm 51,” Bibliotheca Sacra 92 (1935) 26-38. 

Psalm 62Bland, Dave. “Exegesis of Psalm 62,” Restoration Quarterly 23.2 (1980) 82-95.

Psalm 67 –Bosma, C. J. and Eep Talstra. “Psalm 67: Blessing, Harvest and History: A Proposal for Exegetical Methodology,” Calvin Theological Journal 36 (2001) 290-313. 

Psalm 73- Smith, Terry L. “A Crisis in Faith: An Exegesis of Psalm 73,” Restoration Quarterly 17.3 (1974) 162-184.

Psalm 77- Graham, Pat. “Psalm 77: A Study in Faith and History,” Restoration Quaterly 18.3 (1975) 151-158. 

Psalm 72, 89 – Grisanti, Michael A. ” The Davidic Covenant,” The Master’s Seminary  Journal 10.2 (1999) 233-250.

Psalm 87 Allen, Ronald B. “Psalm 87: A Song Rarely Sung,” Bibliotheca Sacra  153 (April-June 1996) 131-140. 

Psalm 91 – Knight, Leonard C. “I Will Show Him My Salvation: The Experience of  Anxiety in the Meaning of Psalm 91,” Restoration Quarterly 43.4 (2001) 280-292.

Psalm 98 – Longman, Tremper. “Psalm 98: A Divine Warrior Victory Song,” Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 27.3 (1984) 267-74.

Psalm 105 –Hildebrandt, Ted. “Psalm 105: A Davidless/Zionless Song of Our Father Abraham” 

Psalm 104 –Barker, David G “The Waters of the Earth: An Exegetical Study of Psalm 104:1-9,” Grace Theological Journal 7.1 (1986) 57-80. 

Psalm 110 – Bateman, Herbert W. “Psalm 110:1 and the New Testmaent,” Bibliotheca Sacra 149 (Oct. 1992) 438-53

Psalm 110 – Davis, Barry C. “Is Psalm 110 A Messianic Psalm?” Bibliotheca Sacra  157 (April-June 2000) 160-73.  

Psalm 113 – Zemek, George, J. “Grandeur and Grace: God’s Transcendence and Immanence in Psalm 113,” The Master’s Seminary Journal 1.2 (1990) 129-137

Psalm 121 –Barker, David G. “’The Lord Watches Over You’: A Pilgrimage Reading of Psalm 121,” Bibliotheca Sacra 152 (April-June 1995) 163-181. 

Feinberg, Charles L. “The Date of the Psalms,” Bibliotheca Sacra 104 (Oct. 1947) 426-40

Briggs, Charles A. “An Inductive Study of Selah” JBL (1897) 132-43.

Laney, J. Carl. “A Fresh Look at the Imprecatory Psalms,” Bibliotheca Sacra 138 (1981) 35-45. 

Luc, A. “Interpreting the Curses in the Psalms,” Journal of the Evangelical Society 42 (1999) 395-410. 

Martin, Chalmers. “The Imprecations in the Psalms,” Princeton Theological   Review 1.4 (1903) 537-53

Day, John N. “The Imprecatory Psalms and Christian Ethics,” Bibliotheca Sacra 159 (April-June 2002) 166-86

Imprecations in the Psalms – Sam Storms 

What is imprecatory prayer? ; Should Christians Pray for God to Judge their Enemies – Michael Horton

Parsons, Greg W. “Guidelines for Understanding and Proclaiming the Psalms,” Bibliotheca Sacra 147 (1990) 169-87

Harmon, Allan M. “Aspects of Paul’s Use of the Psalms,” Westminster Theological Journal 32.1 (1969) 1-23

Greg Herrick: Conceptions of Davidic Hope in the Greek Psalter and Apocrypha

Gary Kukis: The Doctrine of the Messianic Psalms.

Gary Kukis: The Four Types of Messianic Prophecy

Paul van Gorder: OT Reflections of Christ – Psalms

Section 7: Got Questions

Selah – What does “selah” mean in the Bible?

Musical Terms in Psalms – To what do the various musical terms in the book of Psalms refer?

Messianic Psalms – Which psalms predict the coming of Jesus Christ? 

Imprecatory Psalms – What is imprecatory prayer?

David’s Psalms – How many psalms did David write?

David’s Psalms – Why do many of the psalms of David sound so sad?

Authors – Who are the authors of the book of Psalms?

Divisions of Psalms – Why is the book of Psalms divided into five books?

Psalm 2:12 – What does it mean to kiss the son?

Psalm 8:5 – What does it mean that Jesus was a little lower than the angels (Psalm 8:5; Hebrews 2:7)?

Psalm 14 – Why are Psalms 14 and 53 nearly identical?

Psalm 14:1 – What does the Bible mean when it says “The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God’”?

Psalm 19:1 – What does it mean that the heavens declare the glory of God?

Psalm 22, Isaiah 53 – Where do the Hebrew Scriptures prophesy the death and resurrection of the Messiah?

Psalm 22:1 – Why did Jesus say, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”

Psalm 22:16 – What is the correct translation of Psalm 22:16?

Psalm 23 – What does it mean that the Lord is my Shepherd? 

Psalm 23:3 – How can I restore my soul?

Psalm 23:4 – What does it mean to walk through the valley of the shadow of death? 

Psalm 23:5What does it mean that my cup runneth over?

Psalm 24 – What does it mean that God is the King of glory?

Psalm 37:4 – What does it mean to delight yourself in the Lord?

Psalm 46:10 What does it mean to be still and know that I am God?

Psalm 50:10-11 – What does it mean that God owns the cattle on a thousand hills?

Psalm 51:17 – What does it mean that God will not despise a broken spirit and contrite heart (Psalm 51:17) 

Psalm 56:8 – What does it mean that God collects our tears in a bottle?

Psalm 66:1 What does it mean to make a joyful noise unto the Lord?

Psalm 68:5 What does it mean that God is father to the fatherless?

Psalm 62:1,5What does it mean to wait on the Lord?

Psalm 82:6 – What does the Bible mean by “you are gods” / “ye are gods” in Psalm 82:6 and John 10:34? 

Psalm 89:26, 95:1 – What does it mean that God is the Rock of salvation?

Psalm 90 – What can we learn from the prayer of Moses?

Psalm 110:1 – What does it mean that “the Lord said to my Lord”?

Psalm 119 – What should we learn from Psalm 119?

Psalm 120-134 – What are the Songs of Ascent?

Psalm 137:9 – What does Psalm 137:9 mean when it says, “Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks”?

Psalm 139:13-16 – Do the souls of aborted babies go to heaven?

Psalm 139:14 – What does it mean that we are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14)?

Psalm 147:3 – How can I recover from heartbreak / a broken heart?

Section 8: Next

Next: Proverbs

Previous: Job

Resources: by Book of the Bible

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