Making the most of registration forms

by | Aug 9, 2017 | 02 Library, Examples

As a ministry leader, you’ve probably switched from paper to electronic registration.  If you use your program’s standard forms, you may have stopped gathering the data you need.   Registration is a chance to collect valuable information about your participants that can help you build small groups, evaluate the success of your programs, and plan for the future.

Here are some questions you might want to include on your registration forms.

  1. Church affiliation (if any) and how long attended
  2. Is this your first year at Bible Study?
  3. If so, how did you hear about us?
  4. Married status (married; single; divorced; widowed)
  5. Age group (18-25;  26-35;  36-45; 46-55; 56-65; 66+)
  6. Children’s ages (preschool; K-5; 6-12; college/adult; grandchildren)
  7. Are you employed outside the home?   (Yes;  No; Retired)
  8. Are you interested in helping with this study?  (Morning Setup; Ending Clean up; Sound; Outreach; Greeting;  Other)

You may also want to have “recruiting” section with questions like this:

Example text:  Here are some ways you can use your gifts in Women’s Ministry.  Please check all the ways you’d be willing to lend a helping hand.  Checking a box does not commit you for life!  We’ll contact you and give you a chance to accept or gracefully decline each opportunity.

  • Organize registration
  • Sing or play special music
  • Lead group singing
  • Take photos
  • Provide entertainment
  • Set up sound equipment
  • Plan an special event
  • Speak at an event
  • Share my story
  • Decorate for an event
  • Prepare refreshments or bring baked goods
  • Be a greeter
  • Write or design publicity
  • Write newsletter articles
  • Prepare newsletter mailings
  • Help with event set up or clean up
  • Lead a Bible Study
  • Lead a small group
  • Be a mentor
  • Help with child care
  • Host a group in my home
  • Provide transportation
  • Adopt a young mom
  • Adopt a Senior
  • Teach a skill/craft
  • Help with childcare
  • Other:__________________________

Online form/event/registration software is constantly changing, but here are some examples to investigate.

Please email me and let me know how this worked for you or ways you changed and improved it.

More resources for Ministry Leaders

Photo used here under Flickr Creative Commons.