Sabbath, sabbaton, G4521

by | Mar 29, 2022 | Word Study - Greek

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Strong’s number: G4521

Greek Lexical Dictionary: Strong’s #4521 – σάββατον

Greek Word: σάββατον, ου, τό

Part of Speech: Noun, Neuter

Transliteration: sabbaton

Phonetic Spelling: (sab’-bat-on)

Quick Definition: the Sabbath, the seventh day (of the week)

Usage: the Sabbath, a week.

Etymology: of Hebrew origin shabbath (H7676)

NASB Translation: Sabbath (58), Sabbaths (1), week (9).

New Testament usage

62 verses

Mat 12:1; Mat 12:2; Mat 12:5; Mat 12:8; Mat 12:10; Mat 12:11; Mat 12:12; Mat 24:20; Mat 28:1; Mar 1:21; Mar 2:23; Mar 2:24; Mar 2:27; Mar 2:28; Mar 3:2; Mar 3:4; Mar 6:2; Mar 16:1; Mar 16:2; Mar 16:9; Luk 4:16; Luk 4:31; Luk 6:1; Luk 6:2; Luk 6:5; Luk 6:6; Luk 6:7; Luk 6:9; Luk 13:10; Luk 13:14; Luk 13:15; Luk 13:16; Luk 14:1; Luk 14:3; Luk 14:5; Luk 18:12; Luk 23:54; Luk 23:56; Luk 24:1; Joh 5:9; Joh 5:10; Joh 5:16; Joh 5:18; Joh 7:22; Joh 7:23; Joh 9:14; Joh 9:16; Joh 19:31; Joh 20:1; Joh 20:19; Act 1:12; Act 13:14; Act 13:27; Act 13:42; Act 13:44; Act 15:21; Act 16:13; Act 17:2; Act 18:4; Act 20:7; 1Co 16:2; Col 2:16.

Septuagint 109 times in 90 verses

Exo 16:23; Exo 16:25; Exo 16:26; Exo 16:29; Exo 20:8; Exo 20:10; Exo 31:13; Exo 31:14; Exo 31:15; Exo 31:16; Exo 35:2; Exo 35:3; Lev 16:31; Lev 19:3; Lev 19:30; Lev 23:3; Lev 23:15; Lev 23:32; Lev 23:38; Lev 24:8; Lev 25:2; Lev 25:4; Lev 25:6; Lev 26:2; Lev 26:34; Lev 26:35; Lev 26:43; Num 15:32; Num 15:33; Num 28:9; Num 28:10; Dt 5:12; Dt 5:14; Dt 5:15; 2Ki 4:23; 2Ki 11:5; 2Ki 11:7; 2Ki 11:9; 1Ch 9:32; 1Ch 23:31; 2Ch 2:3; 2Ch 8:13; 2Ch 23:4; 2Ch 23:8; 2Ch 31:3; 2Ch 36:21; Neh 9:14; Neh 10:32; Neh 10:34; Neh 13:15; Neh 13:16; Neh 13:17; Neh 13:18; Neh 13:19; Neh 13:21; Neh 13:22; Psa 23:1; Psa 37:1; Psa 47:1; Psa 91:1; Psa 93:1; Isa 1:13; Isa 56:2; Isa 56:4; Isa 56:6; Isa 58:13; Isa 66:23; Jer 17:21; Jer 17:22; Jer 17:24; Jer 17:27; Lam 2:6; Eze 20:12; Eze 20:13; Eze 20:16; Eze 20:20; Eze 20:21; Eze 20:24; Eze 22:8; Eze 22:26; Eze 23:38; Eze 44:24; Eze 45:17; Eze 46:1; Eze 46:3; Eze 46:4; Eze 46:12; Hos 2:13; Amos 6:3; Amos 8:5.

Englishman’s Concordance: σάββατον (sabbaton)


Thayer’s G4521: the seventh day of each week which was a sacred festival on which the Israelites were required to abstain from all work; the institution of the sabbath, the law for keeping holy every seventh day of the week; a single sabbath, sabbath day; seven days, a week

Strong’s G4521: Of Hebrew origin [H7676]; the Sabbath (that is, Shabbath), or day of weekly repose from secular avocations (also the observance or institution itself); by extension a se’nnight, that is, the interval between two Sabbaths; likewise the plural in all the above applications: – sabbath (day), week.

Mounce G4521: Sabbath

Related words: G4520 (noun);

Hebrew Equivalent Word: Strong #: 7676 ‑ שַׁבָּת (shab‑bawth’);  7677 ‑ שַׁבָּתוֹן (shab‑baw‑thone’);  

PreceptsAustin: sabbaton

Reference Works

01 Sabbath: Why remember the Sabbath?

02 Sabbath: How do we keep the Sabbath?

03 Sabbath: When do we keep the Sabbath?

04 Sabbath: Did Jesus change the Sabbath?

03 Good or evil, life or death? Mark 2:23-3:6

06 Jeremiah 17:19-27 Does it matter if I take a break?

06 Colossians 2:16-23 Passing Judgment

Jewish Day (1st Century) explained

Jewish Feasts Introduction

Covenants Introduction


Baker’s Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology: Sabbath

American Church Dictionary: Sabbath

American Tract Society: Sabbath

Easton’s Bible Dictionary: Sabbath Day’s JourneySabbath

Fausset Bible Dictionary: Sabbath

Holman Bible Dictionary: Sabbath; Sabbath Day’s JourneySecond Sabbath

Hastings’ Dictionary of the Bible: Sabbath Day’s Journey;  Sabbath

Hastings’ Dictionary of the NT: Sabbath ; Sabbath ; Sabbath Day’s Journey

Smith Bible Dictionary: Sabbath

Vines’ Expository Dictionary: Sabbath

1911 Encyclopedia Britannica: Sabbath

Condensed Biblical Cyclopedia: Sabbath and Feasts

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia:  Court of the SabbathDay before the SabbathSecond SabbathSabbathSabbath Day’s JourneySabbaths of YearsMorrow after the Sabbath

Kitto Biblical Cyclopedia: Sabbath

McClintock and Strong’s Bible Encyclopedia:  Sabbath School.Sabbath Days JourneySecond-First Sabbath

The Nuttall Encyclopedia: Sabbath

Jewish Encyclopedia:  Lamp, SabbathJewish Sabbath JournalSabbath and SundaySabbath LightsSabbath LeavesSabbathSunday and Sabbath

What day is the Sabbath, Saturday or Sunday? Do Christians have to observe the Sabbath day?

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Is Sunday the Christian Sabbath?

What does it mean to remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy?

What is the Lord’s day?

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Did Constantine change the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday?

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