Song of Solomon Bible Study Resources

by | Sep 18, 2020 | 02 Library, Resources by Book

Study questions, maps, charts, key words, history, background, outlines, and links to help you study the Old Testament book of Song of Solomon.

Jump to: Background; ** Maps; ** Key Words; ** Encyclopedias; ** Commentaries; ** Articles; ** GotQuestions ** Next **


  • Author: Solomon, King of Israel, son of David
  • Extensive debate between literal versus allegorical interpretation
  • No direct mention of God; central subject is human love
  • Distinguishing feature: abundant symbolism and imagery
  • Purpose: portray ideal male-female relationship within a loving marriage

Wisdom Literature

  • Job, Ecclesiastes, Proverbs, Song of Solomon
  • General interest in humanity and universal pronouncements (as opposed to the people of Israel)
  • Grounded in a theology of creation
  • Fear of YHWH as proper context for wisdom, sometimes explicitly stated, but often implicit
  • Questioning attitude about the basic problems of life: why is there suffering, inequality, death, why do the wicked prosper, etc.

Genre: Understanding Hebrew Poetry

Section 1: Background

Background & Outlines

Ray Stedman: Overview of each Book

John MacArthur: Author, Date, Background

ESV: Introduction to the Song of Solomon

ESV: The Global Message of Song of Solomon

NIV: Introduction to Songs

NIV: Wisdom Literature

James van Dine: Analysis of Song of Solomon

Charles Swindoll: Book of Song of Solomon Overview

JVernon McGee: Ecclesiastes & Song of Solomon

William Orr: Key to Song of Solomon

David Malick: An Introduction to the Song of Songs

David Malick: An Argument of the Song of Songs

Kenneth Boa: Song of Solomon overview

Paul van Gorder: OT Reflections of Christ – Song of Solomon

Major Characteristics of Hebrew Poetry: Parallelism

Section 2: Maps

Maps from Holman Bible Atlas

The Battle at Ebenezer and the Loss of the Ark

The Ministry of Samuel and Anointment of Saul

The Kingdom of Saul and His Wars

Saul, 1000 BCE

David’s Flight from Saul

David’s Rise to Power

David in Conquest of Canaan

David’s Wars of Conquest

Kingdom of David and Solomon

The United Monarchy under Solomon (1)

The United Monarchy under Solomon (2)

Solomon’s Economic Enterprises

Solomon’s Building Activities

Solomon’s Temple

Jerusalem in the Time of David and Solomon

ESV Maps

Section 3: Key Words

Key Words

  • Love, beloved, beautiful

Section 4: Encyclopedias

Dictionaries & Encyclopedias

Baker’s Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology: Song of Solomon, Theology of

American Tract Society Bible Dictionary: Solomon’s Song

Bridgeway Bible Dictionary: Song of songs

Easton’s Bible Dictionary: Solomon, Song Of

Fausset Bible Dictionary Canticles; the Song of Solomon

Holman Bible Dictionary Song of Solomon

Hastings’ Dictionary of the Bible Song of Songs

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia Solomon, Song Of

McClintock and Strong’ Song of Solomon, or Song of Songs.

The Nuttall Encyclopedia 

Morrish Bible Dictionary Song of Solomon

Hawker’s Poor Man’s Dictionary 

People’s Dictionary of the Bible Solomon the Song Of

Watson’s Theological Dictionary 

1911 Encyclopedia Britannica 

Kitto Biblical Cyclopedia Solomon’s Song

The Jewish Encyclopedia Song of Songs, The

Section 5: Commentaries

Commentaries & Study Bibles

Keith Mathison – Top 5 Commentaries on The Song of Songs – Ligonier Ministries

Best Commentaries on Song of Solomon – Tim Challies

Best Commentary on Song of Songs – Best Commentaries

Bruce Waltke: Song of Solomon – Mp3

Calvin’s Commentary on the Bible:

Matthew Henry: Song of Solomon

Albert Barnes Notes: Song of Solomon

Reformation Study Bible Notes: Song of Solomon

Geneva Study Bible: Song of Solomon

Precept Austin Commentaries & Sermons: Song of Solomon

Ligonier Devotionals on Song of Solomon

Song of Solomon 1–2 The Song of Solomon

Song of Solomon 2:8–17 Marriage, Love, and Sex

Song of Solomon 3–4 A Time for Love

Song of Solomon 3:5 The Right Time for Love

Song of Solomon 8:13–14 The Only Love That Can Fully Satisfy

Song of Solomon 8:6–7 A Seal on the Heart and Arm

Song of Solomon 4:1–7 Building Relationship

Song of Solomon 5–6 The Beauty of Love

Song of Solomon 7–8 A Still Greater Love

Section 6: Articles


Iain Campell: The Song Of David’s Son: Interpreting The Song Of Solomon In The Light Of The Davidic Covenant

G. Lloyd Carr: The Old Testament Love Songs And Their Use In The New Testament

Donald E. Curtis: The Song of Songs – interesting review of the various approaches to interpretation of this book

Samuel Ives Curtis: Does A Literal Interpretation Of The Song Of Songs Remove Its Character As Scripture?

Richard Davidson: Theology of Sexuality in the Song of Songs: Return to Eden,” Andrews University Seminary Studies 27.1 (Spring 1989) 1-19

Weston Fields: Early and Medieval Jewish Interpretation of the Song of Songs -Grace Theological Journal 1.2 (Fall, 1981) 221-31

Thomas Fountain: A Parabolic View of the Song of Solomon

Tony Garland: Discussion of the rise of allegorical interpretation

James M Hamilton Jr: The Messianic Music of the Song of Songs: A Non-Allegorical Interpretation

Arthur Lewis: Equality Of Sexes In Marriage: Exposition Of The Song Of Songs

Grant Richison: Theology of Sex

J Paul Tanner: The Message of the Song of Songs

J Paul Tanner: The History of Interpretation of the Song of Songs

Section 7: Got Questions

Song of Solomon – Bible Survey

Is Song of Solomon an allegory of God’s love for Israel and-or Christ’s love for the Church-

Why is there an entire book of the Bible dedicated to romantic love-

What should we learn from the life of Solomon-

Who was the Shulammite woman-

What does it mean that the Shulammite had dark skin (Song of Solomon 1-6)-

Who are the daughters of Jerusalem in Song of Solomon-

What is the meaning of the foxes in Song of Solomon 2-15-

What is the Rose of Sharon-

Why does Solomon refer to his wife as his sister (Song of Solomon 4-9)-

What are the mandrakes mentioned in the Bible-

What is Eros love-

Section 8: Next

Next: Isaiah

Previous: Ecclesiastes

Resources: by Book of the Bible

Photo by Pierre Bamin on Unsplash