12 2 Peter 3:1-7 The Point of it all

12 2 Peter 3:1-7 The Point of it all

Peter argues that more than anything else we need to find life through forgiveness and to find fulfillment through righteousness. It is this hope that he wants us to remember such that we let it change our lives today.

08 2 Peter 2:5-10 The Certainty of Judgment

08 2 Peter 2:5-10 The Certainty of Judgment

The coming judgment of God is not a popular topic today. We prefer to emphasize God’s love instead. Yet Peter thought judgment was important enough to include in his final letter, so that would remember it long after he is gone.

04 2 Peter 1:7-11 Brotherly affection & love

04 2 Peter 1:7-11 Brotherly affection & love

In 2 Peter 1:5-11, Peter explains the connection between believing the gospel and pursuing a lifestyle of godliness. When we come to believe the gospel, these qualities follow. In last week’s podcast, we defined the first 5 terms on the list. In this podcast we’ll finish the list and cover Peter’s conclusion that our lives as believers will be marked by these growing qualities.

03 2 Peter 1:5-6 Virtue to Godliness

03 2 Peter 1:5-6 Virtue to Godliness

In 2 Peter 1:5-11, Peter is explaining the connection between believing the gospel and pursuing a lifestyle of godliness. I argued in the previous podcast that these qualities are NOT the cause of spiritual maturity, rather they RESULT from spiritual maturity. When we come to believe the gospel, these qualities follow. In this podcast we’ll define each term in the list and discuss why Peter includes it and how it results from faith.

02 2 Peter 1:5-11 For this very reason

02 2 Peter 1:5-11 For this very reason

To understand 2 Peter 1:5-11, we need to know that: 1)Peter is speaking to churches who are bewitched by false teachers who are encouraging them to pursue greed and sensuality; 2)Believing the gospel includes a change in lifestyle.

2 Peter: How to find life

2 Peter: How to find life

Simon Peter served as an apostle of Jesus Christ for 3 or 4 decades.  As his earthly life drew to a close, Peter wrote his second letter to encourage and admonish the churches. What truths did he think were so important that he had to make sure he wrote them down before he died? Peter strongly emphasizes our future hope and the return of Christ.  Our future hope is more than living forever: it concerns being freed from sin and death and sharing the holiness of God.