Understanding Epistles: How to understand NT letters
Every genre found in the Bible presents unique challenges for understanding. Here are guidelines for studying epistles.
Every genre found in the Bible presents unique challenges for understanding. Here are guidelines for studying epistles.
One of the most common mistakes in interpreting the Bible is riffing on a particular word or phrase at the expense of context. No one thinks they fall into this trap and yet, if you listen for it, you’ll hear it everywhere.
When studying the Old Testament, dates can be a source of confusion, especially when they switch between the Jewish name and the Babylonian name in the same story. Here are my reference tables.
Without the proper tools, your ability to do great Bible study is limited. On this one page, you’ll find links to websites, maps, charts, overviews, outlines, timelines encyclopedias, concordances and tips on how to use them.
So you’d like to teach the Bible? How do you get started? How do you decide if Bible teaching is your calling? Here’s my advice for aspiring teachers.
If you’re looking for a refresher course on how to study the Bible or want to start learning, Bob Smith’s Basics of Bible Interpretation is still a good choice.
How could a 12-year old astonish the best theologians of his day? Why was the knowledge of Jesus radically different than everyone else?
Teaching through stories is increasingly popular. But there is a downside. Here’s how to avoid the pitfalls.
You’ve probably heard the joke that the greatest insult you can give a Bible teacher is that your work is both original and good. Why is that funny? The part that’s original is not good, and the part that’s good is not original. The goal of Bible study is to be right, not original.
Approximately one-third of those who started a Bible reading plan in January abandon it by February. By May that number will drop to half. What if you are one of the statistics?
What do you believe about your English translation of the Bible? Here are 5 ideas you should NOT hold.
I blog frequently on tips and tools for improving your Bible study skills, but what about discernment when listening to others?