01 1 Corinthians 1:1-9  Themes and Greetings

01 1 Corinthians 1:1-9  Themes and Greetings

In the greeting of 1 Corinthians, Paul introduces 3 themes of the letter:  1) Paul is an authoritative emissary for Jesus Christ; 2) God chose Paul for this role;  and 3) speech and knowledge are gifts from God that we ought to view wisely.  We’ll also contrast 2 ways to approach studying this letter.  One perspective finds little value in some of the practical problems.  The other perspective leads to wisdom that can be applied to any situation.

How many letters did Paul write to  Corinth?

How many letters did Paul write to Corinth?

How many letters did the Apostle Paul write to the Corinthian church?  The answer is not as easy as it sounds.  We have two letters to the church at Corinth in our Bible, but both of these letters mention another letter. Many scholars believe Paul wrote four letters to the Corinthian church but only two of them survived.   If they are right, the chronology of Paul’s correspondence and visits to Corinth might look something like this.

Who are you listening to?

Who are you listening to?

Today we often seek preachers who tell us stories, make us laugh, and tickle our ears with poetry and platitudes. We would rather listen to Jon Stewart than Jonathan Edwards. We ought to think critically about how far we have slipped down the slope of valuing style over substance.