06 James 2:14-20 Do James and Paul agree?

06 James 2:14-20 Do James and Paul agree?

James and Paul appear to contradict each other because they use the same vocabulary: faith, works and justification. Plus they both appeal to Abraham. But they use the same language in very different contexts to address different problems and answer different questions.

All hardship is not harmful

All hardship is not harmful

When did we learn that all hardship is harmful, that every unknown is dangerous, and that even the tiniest failure must be avoided? It is a logical conclusion if we alone are responsible for everything, but James would say otherwise.

Finding the Will of God

Finding the Will of God

If we accept the fact that God is our Father, our Provider and our Redeemer, does it make sense that He would hide His will from us? Yet many Christians talk about the “will of God” as if finding it is a version of the con man’s three-shell game.

02 James 1:1-8 Why does God test our faith?

02 James 1:1-8 Why does God test our faith?

James 1:1-8 is one of the most important passages of the book. It sets the tone, the theme and the foundation for the rest of the letter. If we get this passage wrong, it is like grabbing the salt instead of the sugar. It will change the entire flavor and understanding of the letter.

01 James 1:1 Who was James?

01 James 1:1 Who was James?

Our author introduces himself simply as another sinner saved by grace. Who was James? How did he come to faith? And how do we know which James wrote this letter?

Measuring up to your Facebook image

Measuring up to your Facebook image

Fantasy, distortion and falsehood are the currency of our new technology. It is easy today to be someone you’re not. By contrast, the Epistle of James raises the question: are you living what you claim to believe?

As in a mirror

As in a mirror

Obedience is not agreeing with truth and intending to do it. It’s doing what God asks us to do as soon as possible. Why, then, do I fail to act?