09 Nehemiah 12:1-47 Celebration

09 Nehemiah 12:1-47 Celebration

The history told in Nehemiah is a historic witness to the restoring work of God in people’s lives. Now in chapter 12, at the what should be the end of the story, Nehemiah is once again going to make a circuit of the city. But this time instead of a single rider on a single horse as we saw in chapter 2, he is part of a parade circling the city on top of the rebuilt walls, singing the praises of God.

05 Nehemiah 5:1-6:19 Enemies within and without

05 Nehemiah 5:1-6:19 Enemies within and without

In chapter 5, the problems Nehemiah and the Isrealites encounter are inflicted from within the community itself. In Chapter 6 Nehemiah is tested. Is he the kind of leader who fears God? Or is he the kind of leader who thinks too highly of himself and had been seduced by the power of leadership?

04 Nehemiah 3:1-4:23 Repair your broken wall

04 Nehemiah 3:1-4:23 Repair your broken wall

Chapter 3 paints a picture of community, including the main point that we should begin serving the body by working on “the broken wall in front of our own house.” Chapter 4 records the opposition they face and the leadership they need.

01 Nehemiah 1:1-3 Introduction

01 Nehemiah 1:1-3 Introduction

How do you introduce yourself? What things about you are the most important to tell someone first? Do people know about your prayer life before they get your business card? Do they know of your passion for God before they know your job title? For Nehemiah, being part of the people of God was his identity. His job was an afterthought.