What if I failed my Bible reading plan?

What if I failed my Bible reading plan?

It’s February. Approximately one-third of those who started a Bible reading plan in January abandon it by February. By May that number will drop to half. What if you are one of the statistics?

What is Lent?

What is Lent?

What is Lent? Is it an official Christian holiday? Was it instituted in the Bible? What — if anything — is required of believers during Lent?

30 Tips to improve your Bible Study

30 Tips to improve your Bible Study

Has your Bible study become routine? Do you find yourself glancing at the clock to see if you’re done yet? Did you make a resolution to read through the Bible in a year or study something new this year but find yourself never making the time? Here are 30 tips to get you back on track.

Understanding Hebrew Poetry

Understanding Hebrew Poetry

The key to understanding Hebrew poetry and Wisdom Literature is knowing that the “rhyme” of ideas is more important than the sounds. This “rhyming” of ideas is called parallelism.

Psalm 143 Dealing with Depression

Psalm 143 Dealing with Depression

Psalm 143 is about being in the deepest blackest pit of despair and finding God anyway. It’s about depression, but the particular depression and anguish you feel when you’re confronted with the consequences of your sin.

Psalm 27: A Goal worth having

Psalm 27: A Goal worth having

Psalm 27 teaches us that the one desire worth staking our life around is knowing God. Because if we have that, then we have everything worth having.

Word Study Shortcuts

Word Study Shortcuts

While I recommend you learn how to do your own word studies, here are some shortcuts you can take to save time, to get past “study block” or compare your ideas with someone else’s.

How to do a word study

How to do a word study

Word studies are one of the basic tools of Bible study. If you want to understand the author’s intended meaning, you need to understand the words he chose in his original language. If you only circle key English words, you may be circling the same English word but 3 different Greek words and missing some of author’s intent.

How to outline

How to outline

An analytical outline is a way of displaying a text of Scripture so that the flow of thought and the relationship between the grammatical parts become clear. It is my favorite study tool and one of the first things I do. Learn how to make one.