Marks of false Teachers

Marks of false Teachers

A vital part of your Bible study arsenal is learning to recognize false teachers. Here are three interesting lists — both modern and classic — on how to discern a true teacher from a false teacher. Notice the similarities.

5 Questions to Identify a Cult

5 Questions to Identify a Cult

How do you recognize a group which claims to represent genuine, apostolic Christianity but in reality does not? Here are 5 questions that separate “the sheep” from “the wolves.”

Growing Older and Breaking the Huddle Syndrome

Growing Older and Breaking the Huddle Syndrome

With my birthday approaching, I’m again wondering “how someone so young can be this old?” That thought inspired this 2015 post on how in modern American culture growing older means becoming invisible. Unfortunately this trend is also infecting the church.

45+ Sample Icebreakers

45+ Sample Icebreakers

Tired of the same old icebreakers? Are you using the same 3 interesting facts about yourself at every group and gathering? Here are 45 sample icebreakers to kick start your thinking.

Introduction to the Exile & Return

Introduction to the Exile & Return

The period of the divided kingdom ended with the people of Israel being taken into captivity. First, the people of the northern kingdom were conquered by Assyria, leaving Judah to struggle on alone. Finally, the southern kingdom of Judah was conquered by the Babylonians, leaving all the children of Israel in exile from the land. Here is an overview and timeline of the exile of Israel and her return from captivity.

Introduction to the Southern Kingdom

Introduction to the Southern Kingdom

After the death of King Solomon, two of his sons, Rehoboam and Jeroboam, fought for the throne. When Rehoboam harshly raised taxes on the people, the 10 northern tribes rebelled and installed Jeroboam as their king, creating the northern kingdom of Israel. The two southern tribes, Benjamin and Judah, remained with Rehoboam and became the kingdom of J

Introduction to the Northern Kingdom

Introduction to the Northern Kingdom

After the death of King Solomon, two of his sons, Rehoboam and Jeroboam, fought for the throne. When Rehoboam harshly raised taxes on the people, the 10 northern tribes rebelled and installed Jeroboam as their king, creating the northern kingdom of Israel. The two southern tribes, Benjamin and Judah, remained with Rehoboam and became the kingdom of Judah.

Sample Leader Evaluation Form

Sample Leader Evaluation Form

When you recruit feedback from your students at the end of a Bible study year, don’t forget to solicit feedback from your leaders. If you are blessed to have dedicated leadership returning year after year, you may want to keep it short. Here’s an example we’ve used at Wednesday in the Word. This example survey is geared to a Bible study with a large group, small groups and homework. Customize it to fit your programs.

Basic Retreat Planning

Basic Retreat Planning

Church women’s retreats offer one of the best opportunities of the church for women to step away from their daily responsibilities, rest and connect with other women in the church and spend some concentrated time learning more about the Lord. While retreats require a lot of planning, they are worth it in the long run.