Understanding Narratives

Understanding Narratives

Narratives are true stories. Over 40% of the Old Testament Scriptures are narratives. Generally, the purpose of a biblical narrative is to show the Lord at work in His creation. Every genre found in the Bible presents unique challenges for understanding. Narratives are no exception. With narratives we think in scenes, plot and character, rather than paragraphs and outlines.

What is hope and what good is it?

What is hope and what good is it?

The “so what” of being justified by faith is now we have a reason to boast. Paul explains the 3 things we boast about in Romans 5:1-11. The first is hope.

Understanding Prophecy

Understanding Prophecy

Studying biblical prophecy is an often overwhelming task. Much of it is written in Hebrew poetry. The names and places are foreign, and the metaphors don’t always resonate with our modern ears. Yet we can usually understand the main point. If studying an Old Testament prophet overwhelms you, here are some tips to get you started.

What is saving faith and why is it so important?

What is saving faith and why is it so important?

Saving faith is the permanent, ongoing trust in God that one day He will free me completely from all the consequences and effects of sin because of the blood of Jesus Christ. Saving faith itself is a gift from God and it involves 4 things.

Understanding Epistles

Understanding Epistles

Every genre found in the Bible presents unique challenges for understanding. Here are guidelines for studying epistles.

Bible Study Convictions

Bible Study Convictions

How do you know if you’ve successfully understood a passage of Scripture? Start by understanding and embracing these basic interpretative convictions.

Bible Study 101: Interpretation

Bible Study 101: Interpretation

After you’ve done your observation, word studies, outlining and answered the questions you generated, it’s time to start putting it all together. In this step, you want to collect, refine and organize all those details you observed into a coherent meaning.

Bible Study 101: Observation

Bible Study 101: Observation

The first step in Bible study is observation. The goal is to slow down your reading and generate a list of questions that must be answered to understand the passage. I tend to break observation into the following 4 steps which generally correspond to my first few readings through the passage.