Parable of the Talents
The Parable of the Talents is the last of three parables Jesus tells during a private discussion with the disciples about the end of the age. The parables focus on two themes: stay alert and persevere.
The Parable of the Talents is the last of three parables Jesus tells during a private discussion with the disciples about the end of the age. The parables focus on two themes: stay alert and persevere.
The Parable of the 10 Virgins is in a series parables Jesus tells his disciples privately about the end of the age. The parables focus on two themes: stay alert and persevere. The kingdom of heaven has a door that can and does close.
Fights and quarrels among believers are symptoms of a deeper problem of leaning on earthly wisdom rather than seeking God’s wisdom.
Operating with earthly wisdom comes easy and naturally to us. We have to seek God to gain godly wisdom. How, then, do we gain it?