Criteria for evaluating a ministry
How do you know when a ministry is working? Numbers do not always reflect an accurate picture. These questions will help.
How do you know when a ministry is working? Numbers do not always reflect an accurate picture. These questions will help.
Failed CEOs shared these 7 habits. What about leaders in the church?
Becoming a believer is in some ways like becoming a Ya-Ya. When you become a believer, not only do you gain a vertical relationship with God, you gain a horizontal relationship with other believers.
Is “youth focused Christianity may be sidelining the gifts of older women”? In a sea of artful hipsters, older women feel invisible and overlooked.
A conference I attended gave each participant this simple and heartwarming “Conference Survival kit” which contained the following items and Scripture.
“The female part of every congregation have an influence which cannot be defined nor resisted. For the most part, this influence is as just in its award, as it is sovereign in its sway.”
Some of us may be choking on cutesy things, but many of us are working towards a model of serious bible study and discipleship.
Not only is it important to have an intentional, deliberate approach to female discipleship, it is necessary for a healthy church community.