Leader Evaluation Sample

by | Aug 8, 2019 | 02 Library, Examples

When you recruit feedback from your students at the end of a Bible study year, don’t forget to solicit feedback from your leaders.   If you are blessed to have dedicated leadership returning year after year, you may want to keep it short. 

Here’s an example I’ve used that’s been revised over 30 years of ministry.  This example survey is geared to a Bible study with a large group, small groups and homework. Customize it to fit your programs.

Sample Leader Evaluation

General instructions: Please “speak the truth in love” so that we may continue learning how to serve God and you better.  Use the back if you need more space.

How was your Small Group this year? (do not rate yourself, rate the group)
Mix of ages: _rewarding _positive _neutral _awkward _a disaster
Discussion:  _great _helpful _average _not helpful _confusing
Participation: _everyone _most _half _a few _very few/none
Attendance:  _very consistent _regular _average _irregular _very inconsistent


The best thing about my small group was:
If you could change anything about small groups, what would you change? Why?
How could we improve our leadership meetings?
Training on the following topics would be helpful:
Would you find a leaders retreat helpful? Why or why not?
How could we help you improve your leadership skills?
Do you plan to lead a small group next year?
yes       no        not sure  Why?

Please email me and let me know how this worked for you or ways you changed and improved it.

More resources for Ministry Leaders

Photo by Angelina Litvin on Unsplash