Topical Podcasts
from Wednesday in the Word
Join Wednesday in the Word with Krisan Marotta for in-depth Old Testament Bible studies. Each podcast season focuses on a specific book of the Bible, with a strong emphasis on learning how to study Scripture effectively. Listen to full series by selecting a podcast page below or stream episodes on your favorite podcast app—just keep scrolling!
Topical Podcasts from Wednesday in the Word

Fruit of the Spirit
Ever wonder what Paul meant by love, joy, peace and the rest of the fruit of the Spirit? In this series, we explore the Bible to learn what Scripture teaches about these concepts and why Paul put them on the list. This series isn’t about definitions. It’s about discovering life-changing truths behind each fruit.

Marriage: Forming a More Perfect Union
No more wandering toward the altar. Here’s a better way to get from single to married.

Sabbath: Why, how and when
We know we need real rest and we know the answer is Sabbath. But what is the Sabbath? Why does God command it? When do we enjoy it? And how can we rest when so much work remains to be done?

When God calls: 5 ways to run your race well
Hebrews says each of us is running a race designed for us by God. We are not on random paths subject to the winds of change and the pitfalls of our own mistakes. Our race course is personally set by God to result in both His glory and our good. If you’re still breathing, the race is not yet over and you have a calling yet to fulfill.

Who is the Holy Spirit?
Both Jesus and the Apostle Paul give extraordinary importance to the giving of the Holy Spirit. Why? In this series we’ll look study a variety of passages with the goal of understanding who the Holy Spirit is and why we need him.

Should women wear head coverings today?
Should women cover their heads in church today? Why or why not? What does Paul mean by head? What does this passage add to the debate about women in authority in the church?

Are there rewards in heaven?
Some claim that Scripture teaches believers will receive various crowns in heaven based on their works in this life. We look at two key themes Scripture teaches, and two main mistakes we can make in studying these passages.

What is the Gospel?
A friend once asked me if I was on an airplane that was about to crash and had only a couple minutes to use my cell phone to call my family, what would I say? What would I tell them if I knew this would be our last conversation on earth? At first my mind when blank, but then the answer seemed obvious: Hang on to your faith. But to understand why saving faith is that important, you have to really understand the gospel.

Understanding God’s Will
If we accept that fact that God loves us enough to send his son Jesus Christ to die in our place and pay the penalty for our sins while we were his enemies, does it makes sense that God would hide his will from us now that we are his children? I would argue that the problem is not God hiding his will. The problem is the way we are looking for it.

There’s nothing like the Christmas season to force you to face the fact that life is often neither joyful nor triumphant. It raises the question, what is the true meaning of Christmas?

Reformed Theology
Which side you take on some basic theological questions makes a world of difference in how you live your life.

Divine Secrets of the Yahweh Sisterhood
Becoming a believer is in some ways like becoming a Ya-Ya. When you become a believer, not only do you gain a vertical relationship with God, you gain a horizontal relationship with other believers.

Life, Liberty & The Pursuit of Godliness
This seminar examines the 7 stages of calling to give you the tools to determine what God is calling you to after college.

Marriage God’s Way
Even the best couples are constantly working on their marriage. Join David & Krisan Marotta (married 31 years) as they examine what the Bible has to say about the commitment of marriage.
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